Declaratia zilei
joi, martie 22nd, 2012Ben Horowitz (Wiki, Blog) despre Apple si Google:
“If you could take all of Andreesen Horowitz’s money and invest in either Apple or Google, which would you choose?” Horowitz was unsurprisingly reluctant to answer and first hedged, saying he’d choose either. But eventually he caved and said, “Apple, and I’m not sure why.”
This entry was posted on joi, martie 22nd, 2012 at 12:33 and is filed under business, Internet. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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:)) corect. doar ca asta spui inainte, urmand sa te feliciti ulterior, chiar daca nu te „luminezi” intrutotul. In multe alte biznisuri soui cam acelasi lucru, dar la modul: nu sunt sigur de ce mi-am pierdut banii acolo…
Hai ma! Bloomberg much! Pe Andreessen l-au tot dat saptamana trecuta pe B… Nu zic ca nu are dreptate, mai ales ca nu stie sigur de ce ar investi…