Archive for mai, 2012
„Facebook, what are we getting for our dollars?”
luni, mai 7th, 2012„The question with Facebook and many of the social media sites is, ‘What are we getting for our dollars?'” said Michael Sprague, vice president of marketing at Kia Motors Corp.’s North American division.
Dintr-un articol excelent in WSJ, The Big Doubt Over Facebook, din care mai citez doar ca pentru a justifica o evaluare de $100 miliarde Facebook trebuie sa-si creasca veniturile anual cu 41% timp de 5 ani.
„The area is a very sexy area, and clients have gone in almost willy-nilly, because it’s fashionable to do so. But now that such ad spending has ramped up, he said finance departments „are increasingly starting to look at the value of those investments.” Martin Sorell, WPP
Patru despre bubble
duminică, mai 6th, 20121. Marc Andreessen – „If we’re in a bubble, it’s the weirdest bubble I’ve ever seen, where everybody hates everything.” De aici
2. Paul Kedrosky, VC/Antreprenor – “It serves the interest of the investors who can come up with whatever valuation they want when there are no revenues. Once there is no revenue, there is no science, and it all just becomes finger in the wind valuations.” De aici
3. Chris Dixon – „The argument that sometimes startups get better valuations without revenue is somewhat true. As Josh Koppelman said “There’s nothing like numbers to screw up a good story.” This is driven by the psychology of venture investors who are sometimes able to justify a higher price to “buy the dream” than the same price to “buy the numbers.” This doesn’t mean the investors think they will invest and then get some greater fool to invest in the company again. For instance, at the seed stage, intelligent investors are quite aware that they are buying the dream but will need to have numbers to raise a Series A.” De aici
4. Dmitry Shapiro CEO of Anybeat – „I think it is also important to look at human resource factors when thinking of this. Some of you on this thread are responsible for convincing very young people to pursue entrepreneurship, arguably WAY before they are ready. They are taught some basic skills, given a little grooming to make them attractive to follow on investors, and sent to try to run through a wall. The tiny few that succeed are placed on a pedestal and hailed as gods, while the rest are left to fend for themselves. It is getting harder and harder to find engineers that want to join a company, as all are being sold that they should be the ones that are founding the companies, creating a dangerous dynamic.” De aici – de citit toata discutia
Opt despre Ronewmedia
vineri, mai 4th, 20121. Amploare – 3 zile, primul eveniment care dureaza cat o nunta pe vremuri :) (nu stiu daca si noptile sunt incluse in program :)) – si locatie, locatie care se anunta spectaculoasa, Dragos spune ca adauga respect unei industrii care merita asta;
2. Numarul speakerilor: destul de rar sa vezi “aliniati”, frumos, peste 70 de oameni din industria globala, regionala si locala. Nu 40, cum se anuntase initial;
3. Agenda, impartita pe 7 tematici: search si social media marketing [ziua 1], digital marketing, mobile si gaming [ziua 2], content si e-commerce [ziua 3];
4. Playerii majori care vin, cel mai interesant line-up de speakeri si branduri vazut la un eveniment din regiune, peste vecinii de la WebIT: Facebook, Skype, Google, Thomson Reuters, CME, BBC, Yahoo!, MediaCom, OMD, Samsung, Orange, plus playeri majori din Romania;
5. Au workshopuri interesante, in toate cele 3 zile, ziua 1, ziua 2, ziua 3. Eu voi incerca sa fiu prezent la cele sustinute de Google :D , cel al colegului Dan Visoiu de la Venture Connect si la cel despre Politica al lui Lucian Despoiu;
6. Prima editie in Romania a IAB MIXX AWARDS, cu David Doty, vicepresedinte IAB US, ca presedinte al juriului
7. Si, evident, oferta Mediafax Group ;) abonamente la Ziarul Financiar si Business Magazin plus o luna de test pentru recent lansatul
8. Bilete se pot cumpara de aici
Piata producatorilor de smartphone-uri dupa Q1
miercuri, mai 2nd, 2012Slide-ul zilei
marți, mai 1st, 2012De aici, „Cum sa gestionezi eficient spatiul de reclama„, prezentarea sustinuta de TradeAds la DPAD.
Cateva comentarii:
1. Rate cardurile pleaca de pe la 8 euro/echivalent ron in sus
2. Bonusul in afisari se acorda pentru bugete foarte mari sau in perioade de low season (ian-feb, iulie-august)
3. Comision regie, 30% e foarte mult, o regie merita 30% daca-ti reduce nivelul rebateului la un nivel acceptabil
4. Conteaza si de unde pleci, ce inventory ai, acel ~ 0.4 euro/cpm poate fi extrem de putin pentru un site ca Metropotam care are +700k afisari/luna (adica la 100% vanzare x 3 spatii pe pagina ar incasa sub 1000 euro/luna) sau poate fi un pret bun pentru un site cu miliarde de afisari disponibile cum este Yahoo
5. Desi dus in extrem slide-ul exemplifica bine ceea ce spuneam aici