Doua din presa

1. FT reduce din print si angajeaza pentru online:

In a memo e-mailed to staff, Barber said the FT needs to spend less money (and time) producing the paper so it can invest in improving its online presence. „We need to ensure that we are serving a digital platform first, and a newspaper second,” he wrote.


2. Pentru ca #asaincepe si ei stiu asta, Google negociaza din greu cu publisherii francezi:

According to the report, French publishers turned down the €50 million (USD $66.6 million) offer and demanded a figure of €70 to €100 million instead. They also objected to the way Google proposed to disburse the money. The company reportedly offered to spend a third of the €50 million in the form of direct ad purchases while using the rest for commercial advertising partnerships between Google and the publishers. The publishers reportedly complained that too much of the proposed money was contingent on sales figures.


3 Comentarii
  1. dragos spune:

    Re: #2 este un inceputul unui precedent care poate fi foarte interesant in viitor, mai ales pentgru tarile care chiar fac presa. Nu cred ca la noi o sa fie cazul totusi :-) Insa daca o fac, e big pentru tot ce inseamna publishing, imho

  2. orlando spune:

    Au cheltuit 1 miliarde USD doar in ultimul trimestru pe „infrastructura”, daca in Franta se vehiculeaza plati de 100 milioane inseamna ca in toata Europa nu vor depasi juma’ de miliard. Peanuts :)

  3. […] de asta, cei de la Google au schimbat sistemul de prezentare al imaginilor din search, totul e stocat la ei […]

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