Archive for ianuarie, 2013

The sequel

Fotografia zilei


Wired: Steve Jobs felt competitive enough to claim that he was willing to “go to thermonuclear war” on Android.

Page: How well is that working?

Google’s Larry Page on Why Moon Shots Matter

Go East!

Populatia Germaniei: 81.726 milioane

Populatia Frantei: 65.436 milioane

Populatia Marii Britanii: 62.641 milioane

Populatia Italiei: 60.77 milioane

Populatia Spaniei: 46.235 milioane

Total populatie pentru cele 5 tari: 316.808 milioane

Numar utilizatori internet mobil in China: 420 milioane

Numar utilizatori internet in China: 564 milioane

Surse: 1 si 2

Noul mySpace

E disponibil de ieri pentru toata lumea, pe scurt, imi place, i-am dat block lui Justin Bieber :)

Cat de mare e piata de tigai din .ro?

Foarte mare.

Cu 65.544 puncte de audien?? strânse la nivel urban, campaniile de teleshopping care au avut în rolul principal tigaia Dry Cooker, mânuit? fie de Mirabela Dauer, fie de Adriana Bahmu?eanu, au plasat firma Studio Moderna pe locul patru în topul advertiserilor TV. Astfel, Studio Moderna s-a aflat dup? Procter&Gamble, Orange ?i Unilever, dar în fa?a unor firme cu tradi?ie în promovarea TV: Reckitt Benckiser, Vodafone sau Kraft Foods.

”Forbes România” estimeaz? c? bugetul de publicitate TV pe care l-a cheltuit Studio Moderna în 2012 a fost de 7,5 milioane de euro.

De aici.

Patru din mobile


Apple Inc. has cut its orders for components for the iPhone 5 due to weaker-than-expected demand, people familiar with the situation said Monday. Apple’s orders for iPhone 5 screens for the January-March quarter, for example, have dropped to roughly half of what the company had previously planned to order, two of the people said.

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Shares of Research In Motion rallied on Friday as investors positioned themselves ahead of the launch of its new make-or-break BlackBerry 10 smartphones at the end of the month.

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Nokia said strong sales of Lumia smartphones helped its mobile phone business achieve underlying profitability in the fourth quarter, raising hopes the struggling handset maker may be past the worst.

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Android cumulative shipments to hit 1 billion mark in 2013. Cumulative shipments by the end of 2013 will be 1.1 billion since the first Android device shipped in 2008, according to research firm IHS.

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Via Miki

„There can be only one”


The Taiwanese firm, whose phones include the Butterfly, said net profit in the fourth quarter of 2012 had missed forecasts and plunged 91% year on year.

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Samsung Electronics, cel mai mare produc?tor de telefoane mobile ?i televizoare din lume, a raportat un profit record de 8.800 miliarde woni (8,3 miliarde dolari) pentru trimestrul IV al anului trecut, peste estim?rile anali?tilor, datorit? vânz?rilor ridicate de smartphone-uri.

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3. Hello Moto! De nicaieri

Apple scade, Amazon creste

La nivel de pret actiune, pe 3 luni:

– actiunea Apple a scazut de la 652.59 USD la 523.90 USD. Capitalizare: 492.83 miliarde USD

– actiunea Amazon a crescut de la 222.92 USD la 268.46 USD (reprezinta „all time best” :) ). Capitalizare: 121.60 miliarde USD