Archive for ianuarie, 2013
FT cauta cumparator in China
marți, ianuarie 8th, 2013But what I find most intriguing is the fact that Pearson might even consider selling one of its crown jewels to a Chinese buyer, which perhaps reflects just how difficult the market has become for print publications that once ruled the global media market. Pearson’s advisers looking in China also highlights the fact that Chinese media are one of the few global groups in the sector that is relatively cash rich, since many of the nation’s biggest media groups have near-monopoly status in their local markets and often have highly diverse holdings that run the range from print, to broadcasting and new media assets.
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O constatare si o intrebare
vineri, ianuarie 4th, 2013Ambele sunt legate de suma – dupa unele surse peste 500 milioane USD, dupa altele peste 700 milioane USD – platita de Al Jazeera pe Current Tv, businessul de TV cu o audienta mai mica decat a B1TV (exemplu aleator) al lui Al Gore:
1. „Cablistii” stau pe un business puternic, validat inca o data de aceasta tranzactie, Al Jazeera a cumparat de fapt acces in retelele de cablu americane.
2. Analizand aceasta achizitie comparativ cu tranzactia Google – YouTube, nu vi se pare ca cei 1.65 miliarde USD platiti de Google sunt „peanuts”? Care ar fi astazi valoarea YouTube?