Archive for martie, 2013
vineri, martie 8th, 2013Zoom. Mediafax Zoom
joi, martie 7th, 2013Deputa?ii Victor Ponta ?i Daciana Sârbu discut? în timpul meciului dintre Steaua ?i Middlesbrough, disputat la Bucure?ti, joi, 20 aprilie 2006. Echipa Steaua Bucure?ti a învins, pe teren propriu, cu scorul de 1-0 forma?ia Middlesbrough. ( Andrei Pungovschi / Mediafax Foto )
Mediafax Foto a lansat zilele trecute Mediafax Zoom, povesti in imagini, un subdomeniu in in care „vedetele” vor fi fotografiile realizate de echipa foto de la Mediafax Group sau partenerii nostri. Imaginea de mai sus face parte din galeria „Steaua Bucure?ti în cupele europene” (ca tot nu e peste ca guvidu si echipa ca Steaua :) ) insa va invit sa vedeti toate galeriile introduse pana acum, veti gasi macar o fotografie care sa va placa. Multumiri colegilor care au lucrat la proiect, Marius, Irinel, Cosmin, Mugur, Andrei, Adu.
Doua despre separarea Time Inc.
joi, martie 7th, 2013Doua despre stirea noptii, Time Warner a decis, pe modelul AOL/Time Warner Cable, sa mute intr-o companie separata tot business-ul de print. Adica Time Inc.
1. Din AOL Time Warner, adica cea mai mare fuziune ever din SUA, evaluata la 350 miliarde USD in 2000, va mai ramane, dupa separare, doar Warner.
2. Cum au evoluat veniturile/profitul Time Inc:
2002: Venituri 5.4 miliarde USD, profit 881 milioane USD
2007: Venituri 4.955 miliarde USD, profit 907 milioane USD
2012: Venituri 3.436 miliarde USD, profit 420 milioane USD
Tweet-ul diminetii
joi, martie 7th, 2013Android share of US smartphone users dropped for the second consecutive month. (First time this has happened).
— Horace Dediu (@asymco) March 6, 2013
50% din publicitate va fi online in 5 ani
miercuri, martie 6th, 2013Asa zice Nikesh Arora, chief business officer Google:
“There’s currently about $800 billion in the global advertising market today. That’s a very large number, but online advertising accounts for less than $100 billion of that number. There is a reasonable probability that over 50 percent of advertising goes online in the next five years.”
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Siteul zilei
marți, martie 5th, 2013Foarte bun pentru finalul unei zile proaste: Head like an orange
E cu „pufosenii” :)
Bafta, Alex!
marți, martie 5th, 2013Unul dintre cei mai vechi oameni din online-ul romanesc, Alex Visa, s-a despartit de agentia Hyperactive, fondata de el, impreuna cu Dorin Boerescu, exact acum 5 ani, pe 4 martie 2008. Multa bafta lui Alex in ceea ce va face de acum inainte!
via zoso
Cinci de la CEO-ul Orange
marți, martie 5th, 2013De fapt sunt cinci despre piata de telecom de la CEO-ul Orange, Stephane Richard, opinii interesante tinand cont de pozitia detinuta si cum vad operatorii ceea ce se intampla acum in piata:
1. Apple e mai flexibil si mai putin arogant:
Apple has [become] more flexible, paying more attention to everyone else, probably a little less arrogant than they used to be. I think they are probably a little more under pressure, and it is quite nice.
2. iOS + Android domina piata dar operatorii spera ca Blackberry, Windows, Mozilla sau mobile Linux sa ameninte duopolul Apple – Google
And while carriers are rooting for Mozilla, Microsoft, BlackBerry and mobile Linux to emerge as rivals to Android and the iPhone, there’s no way the market is large enough to support that many competitors.
“There is probably not room for everyone,” Richard said. “But all of us hope that among those initiatives, at least one will be able to emerge as a third ecosystem.”
3. Windows phone, direct in engleza:
Richard said that Windows Phone has a “very difficult” road to truly compete with iOS and Android. Richard said devices running the Microsoft-developed operating system are neither better designed nor cheaper, nor do they offer a better application experience than iOS or Android. Put simply, Windows Phone is good but lacks a “wow” factor, Richard said. Making things worse, he said, hardware makers have generally been selling Windows Phones for the same price as the more popular devices.
4. Despre Nokia, tot in engleza:
The Nokia family in my opinion is nice, but there is no ‘wow’ effect,” Richard said. “When you have a market with very steady players like Apple and Samsung, you need to have a ‘wow’ effect.
5. Despre competitia din telecom:
“We are living through incredible competition. He implored regulators to prevent further companies from entering the crowded market. At the same time, Richard acknowledged that this is a case he and other European operators have been making for years.
“It is a little tiring to sing the same song,” he said.
Bonus, despre comisarii UE:
He called one particular regulator “dumb” and said another, while holding a decent view of the marketplace, appears powerless to improve the situation.
Ce ar putea face Apple cu 137 miliarde USD
luni, martie 4th, 2013Mai multe idei pentru cash-ul pe care „sta” Apple in acest moment, 137 miliarde USD:
Apple could acquire a big chunk of the Internet all at once, including: Groupon ($3.36 billion), Yahoo ($25.95 billion), Facebook ($61.7 billion), Twitter ($10 billion) and LinkedIn ($18.32 billion), Yelp ($1.47 billion), AOL ($2.81 billion), Pandora ($2.09 billion), Zynga ($2.69 billion), OpenTable ($1.32 billion) and, finally, Pinterest ($2.5 biilion). Phew.
Facebook ad network
vineri, martie 1st, 2013In mai 2007, Microsoft, dupa ce a ratat DoubleClickul-ul (cumparat de Google), face o miscare „aproape” disperata, plateste 6 miliarde USD (adica dublu cat a platit Google pe DBCK) pentru aQuantive, adica Atlas adserving, Avenue A Razorfish si Drivepm. Intre timp, pentru ca Microsoft nu stie sa opereze o agentie de publicitate, chiar si interactiva, acum 3 ani, Razorfish a fost preluat de Publicis intr-un deal cash and shares de +500 milioane USD, Drivepm a fost integrat in Microsoft Media Network, iar Atlas a fost cumparat de Facebook pentru o suma ce se speculeaza ca a fost in jurul la 100 milioane USD.
Stirea nu este insa ca Microsoft a vandut, cu 10% din cat a platit, doua din cele trei businessuri pe care a platit 6 miliarde USD, ci ca Atlas integrat in facebook = un concurent pentru Google AdSense (cate site-uri au azi toolurile de like si fans integrate?) + posibilitatea de a avea rapoarte mult mai detaliate despre ceea ce se intampla cu reclamele pe facebook. Si ca modelul de business al facebook-ului se bazeaza mult spre foarte mult pe advertising.
Facebook is very focused on proving the worth of the data it sits on as well as the effectiveness of its ads. Owning an ad server would allow big advertisers and agencies to connect directly to Facebook to better measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.
Achizitia Doubleclick a schimbat complet paradigma la Google, de la softuri care stergeau cookie-urile si noi nu vom folosi niciodata bannere la campanii pentru sustinerea importantei display-ului si formate speciale. Si s-a dovedit una dintre cele mai inspirate achizitii facute de Google pana acum pentru ca le-a facilitat intrarea pe o piata mare si cu potential mare, cea a display-ului.