
And I realized the world of business really separates into these two groups. The attackers are the entrepreneurs who are disrupting the status quo, trying to change the world, take the hill, anything is possible, and have nothing to lose in most cases. They’re driven by passion and the idea and intensity. Large organizations — and it’s true of Fortune 500s and it’s also true of governments and other large organizations — are defenders. These guys aren’t trying to pursue the art of the possible, how to maximize opportunity. They actually are trying to minimize the downside, and hedge risk. They’re trying to de-risk situations. Entrepreneurs can’t even think this way. It’s not even a concept they understand.

For the traditional executives running these large companies, of course they want to grow, of course they want to innovate, of course they’d rather have revenue grow faster than slower, but they mostly don’t want to lose what they’ve got. But entrepreneurs are deathly afraid that they won’t be able to change the world, and that somebody else will. Again, these generalizations are a little unfair, but corporate executives are all too often deathly afraid that the business they inherit will be less valuable when they leave than when they started.

De aici.

Un comentariu
  1. Gheo spune:

    Dupa cum spune si articolul, generalizarea nu e corecta, dar e sanatoasa uneori, limpezeste lucrurile. Sclavete sau sef, acestea sunt cele doua mari optiuni mari si late in viata.

    Si bineinteles, executantii, dupa cum bine le zice termenul, pot fi catalogati cel mult niste antreprenori wanna be, daca nu cumva mai degraba niste niste sclaveti cu ifose, sefi under cover. Ei sunt cei care calculeaza riscuri pentru distractia celor dintai, aia care se arunca cu capul inainte in necunoscut.

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