Google > Apple

Google a depasit Apple in capitalizarea pe bursa si a devenit cea mai valoroasa companie de tehnologie din lume.


5 Comentarii
  1. andrei spune:

    google nu a depasit apple:
    apple are o capitalizare de 377 miliarde.

    articolul e subiectiv(poate chiar stupid) se tine cont de cash-ul celor doua companii.

  2. orlando spune:

    Corect Andrei, e fortat articolul.

  3. George spune:

    Un comentariu din sursa:

    „Last year, Apple earned gross profits of $69 billion on revenue of $169B, while Google brought in $30B on revenue of $54B. Yet the market is valuing Google’s business as being more valuable! Insane.

    Ask yourself: will the world tire of cool new hardware before it gets sick of ads? Google has one trick: paid search. The rest of its business attempts have been failures. Apple has been delivering non-stop hits (and permutations) for the last decade.”

  4. orlando spune:

    George, dintr-un motiv f simplu, din cota de piata Apple, fie pe smartphone-uri, fie pe tablete, musca multi, in timp ce din cota Google nu musca nimeni.

  5. Zoltan A. Baranyai spune:

    Asta pana cand vor distruge in totalitate search-ul cu cele peste 500 de de modificari anuale… care au un singur scop si anume, clickuri mai multe pe adwords… chiar daca ei sustin contrariul…

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