Archive for august, 2013
Una despre Apple
duminică, august 18th, 2013Apple’s vertical integration leads to higher quality products but also fewer opportunities to charge tariffs. Unless you happen to have one of the greatest geniuses of the 20th century running the company, competing without tariffs means competing on a level playing, something Wall Street hates.
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5 minute fara Google
sâmbătă, august 17th, 2013Smart money
miercuri, august 14th, 2013Cumperi actiuni Apple de 1.5 miliarde USD, postezi doua mesaje pe Twitter:
We currently have a large position in APPLE. We believe the company to be extremely undervalued. Spoke to Tim Cook today. More to come.
— Carl Icahn (@Carl_C_Icahn) August 13, 2013
Had a nice conversation with Tim Cook today. Discussed my opinion that a larger buyback should be done now. We plan to speak again shortly.
— Carl Icahn (@Carl_C_Icahn) August 13, 2013
Si astepti ca pretul actiunilor sa creasca :)
S-a strigat Bingo?
luni, august 12th, 2013„No, news is a service. Its goal must be outcomes – an informed public – not output of products. We no longer have to treat everyone the same – a mass, a critical mass. We can now offer individual service to people based on what we know about them: where they live and work and what they’re interested in and whether they have kids or like to ride bikes….”
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Vestea buna a diminetii
marți, august 6th, 2013este ca Jeff Bezos a platit 250 milioane USD, din banii lui, fara implicare Amazon, pentru a cumpara Washington Post. Ceea ce inseamna ca:
1. Inca exista cumparatori pentru ziare (vezi si vanzarea The Boston Globe de vineri pe 70 milioane USD din care vreo 60 sunt real estate)
2. Nefiind presat sa faca profit (vezi Amazon), Bezos va incerca sa gaseasca modelul de business pentru ziare. E adevarat si ca vorbim de profit in casa spanzuratului, tinand cont ca in ultimii ani WaPo a cam pierdut, anul trecut pierderea fiind pe la +50 mil USD.
Avanpremiera la filmul Jobs cu Ziarul Financiar
luni, august 5th, 2013Pe 20 august, Ziarul Financiar si Vodafone organizeaza, la CinemaPro, o avanpremiera a filmului Jobs, abonatii poti castiga 20 de invitatii, detalii aici. Avanpremiera oficiala va avea loc in 23 august.