
And every quarter, we’d send out a press release, which would start something like, “For the 21st quarter in a row, the newspaper industry has lost X, X, and X.” And I’m like, we’re press releasing this? I mean, it was so hard just to stop doing the press release, but at the same time you think, “Well, you’re the trade association, you could make the numbers transparent.” So, I did a little study, and I found that every time we released those numbers, about 100 stories would come out citing the NAA numbers saying the newspaper industry is dead.

De aici: NAA will stop releasing quarterly figures on ad revenues, which have consistently declined

Un comentariu
  1. Adrian spune:

    Mi se pare absolut normal, ce atâta statistic? dom’le…

    V?d ?i singur c? în fa?a blocului nu mai g?sesc cele 3-4 chioscuri de ziare de acum câ?iva ani, pentru c? nu mai sunt ziare de vândut în afar? de cancan ?i alte ?â?iare colorate

    Dar s-au reprofilat chio?curile pe ?aorm?rii, covrig?rii, flor?rii ?i alte „…r?rii”, deci îi ghine… :)

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