Archive for martie, 2015
marți, martie 31st, 2015Prof Brynjolfsson offers three pieces of advice to his students. First, “learn how to do things that humans do better than machines”. These include creativity and entrepreneurship, but also interpersonal skills such as motivation, persuasion, nurturing and caring. Second, embrace life-long learning. “The skills that are valuable today may be less valuable tomorrow, as technology advances.” Third, do what you really love. “In the second machine age, most markets will be ‘winner-takes-most’ where a small number of top performers get most of the revenue, attention and success. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to excel without really loving what you do.”
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9 ani de Twitter
duminică, martie 22nd, 2015
just setting up my twttr
— Jack (@jack) March 21, 2006
Google si-a delistat intentionat competitorii
vineri, martie 20th, 2015Pentru ca pot:
Google would “automatically boost” its own sites for certain specialized searches that otherwise would favor rivals, the FTC found. If a comparison-shopping site was supposed to rank highly, Google Shopping was placed above it. When Yelp was deemed relevant to a user’s search query, Google Local would pop up on top of the results page, the staff wrote.
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Apple vs Elvetia
miercuri, martie 11th, 201528.6 milioane de ceasuri a exportat Elvetia anul trecut. Valoarea totala = undeva spre 40 miliarde USD.
Cele mai optimiste prognoze vorbesc de 20-30 milioane de iWatch-uri vandute de Apple in primul an de la lansare.
marți, martie 10th, 2015The design is great; the user experience seems so very meh. This is not an aid to living. It is a supercomplication.
Most of this is not Apple’s fault. Watches are great to glance at for a second — Apple has done well to call its brief notifications Glances — but rather annoying to hold to your face for longer. Your wrist gets tired. The screen is tiny. Your phone is beckoning, and it’s right there in your pocket.
Peering at your watch is not cool; culturally, it signifies that you are bored and restless with where you are, and are wondering whether it’s time to go. Talking into your watch is certainly not cool. If someone forced me to use this thing, I’m sure I would find myself unstrapping it from my wrist most of the time, which defeats the purpose.
Catalyst a cump?rat 13% din dezvoltatorul de jocuri online Green Horse Games
marți, martie 10th, 2015Felicitari George/Mary si bafta cu extinderea!
Start-up-ul Green Horse Games, specializat în dezvoltarea de jocuri online, a primit o investi?ie din partea fondului Catalyst România, axat pe sus?inerea IMM-urilor de tehnologie, pentru a se extinde la nivel interna?ional. Suma tranzac?iei nu a fost f?cut? public?.
Catalyst România a intrat în ac?ionariatul Green Horse Games printr-o opera?iune de majorare de capital, prima de emisiune fiind de 300.000 de euro, potrivit datelor publicate în decembrie anul trecut în Monitorul Oficial. În urma major?rii de capital, fondul de investi?ii are o participa?ie minoritar? în cadrul Green Horse Games, de 13%, ac?ionar majoritar r?mânând în continuare George-Mirel Lemnaru – unul dintre cei doi fondatori ai companiei -, cu 71,67%.
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E greu cu publishingul online
marți, martie 10th, 2015A brief note on our company
Gigaom recently became unable to pay its creditors in full at this time. As a result, the company is working with its creditors that have rights to all of the company’s assets as their collateral. All operations have ceased. We do not know at this time what the lenders intend to do with the assets or if there will be any future operations using those assets. The company does not currently intend to file bankruptcy. We would like to take a moment and thank our readers and our community for supporting us all along.
— Gigaom management
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