Archive for septembrie, 2015
Au trecut 7 ani
marți, septembrie 15th, 2015
Wondering if lehman will implode this week. The us is in a world of hurt and unfortunately we are along for the ride.
— damiensteel (@damiensteel) September 13, 2008
Reading: "Roubini – If Lehman collapses expect a run on all of the other broker dealers and the collapse of the shadow banking system" ( …
— Bill Bishop (@niubi) September 13, 2008
wondering how bad Lehman will get…rumor has it that outbound ACATs are out of control. money is apparently moving out at lightning speed
— CFO Lounge (@cfolounge) September 13, 2008
Two things
marți, septembrie 15th, 2015There are two things in this world that take no skill: 1. Spending other people’s money and 2. Dismissing an idea.
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Tweetul diminetii
marți, septembrie 15th, 2015
Just tried an iOS 9 content blocker for the first time. Oh my god.
Ad networks: get your shit together, people WILL be turning this on.
— Joe Schmitt (@josephschmitt) September 14, 2015
marți, septembrie 8th, 2015Potrivit unui document CIT Restructuring, care a analizat cifre corespunz?toare anului 2013, dintr-un num?r total de 720.000 de companii înscrise la Registrul Comer?ului, doar 1% puteau fi considerate firme cu structur? financiar? s?n?toas?. A?adar, numai 7.212 de agen?i economici aveau un raport adecvat între active ?i sursele de finan?are (nu erau supraexpu?i), ?i, în acela?i timp, î?i demonstrau capacitatea de a genera profit, putând fi considera?i motorul economiei.
Ei realizau o treime din totalul cifrei de afaceri, 84% din profit ?i angajau un sfert din lucr?torii economiei române?ti.
Ar fi interesant de vazut impartirea pe judete a celor 7212 companii. De aici.
joi, septembrie 3rd, 2015Ieri s-a lansat, stirea detaliata pe PaginadeMedia, eu va las doua linkuri:
1. De ce noi?
2. Despre noi
Proiectul e gandit sa aiba 6 linii de venituri, o sa revin insa pe subiect, si are investitori care au asigurat finantarea pentru un an de acum inainte. Urati-ne succes, avem nevoie.
miercuri, septembrie 2nd, 2015This will be a benchmark year for ad spending in the US, as mobile surpasses desktop spending for the first time, eMarketer predicts. Mobile will account for 51.9% of total digital spending in 2015. That’s a higher figure than eMarketer forecast earlier this year.
While desktop’s share of advertising dollars is expected to slowly decline through 2019, mobile’s share will grow robustly. eMarketer expects mobile advertising to grow by 59% in 2015, a higher rate than forecast in March, when eMarketer last released figures for US ad spending. Meanwhile, long-term growth through 2019 has been revised downward slightly.
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