Archive for octombrie, 2015
vineri, octombrie 30th, 2015Programatori C#
Cerinte obligatorii:
– cunoasterea buna a limbajului C#
– cunoasterea de ansamblu a System.Web, System.Xml, System.Data, System.IO, System.Net
– intelegerea corecta a modului de functionare a applicatiilor web dezvoltate in .NET
– dorinta de a invata continuu si de a dezvolta applicatii .NET existente
– engleza la nivel necesar intelegerii documentatiilor .NET
– codare module noi dupa specificatii scrise
– rescriere sau optimizare cod existent
– testare cod si aplicatii
– comunicarea zilnica cu privire la progresul proiectului
Detalii la orlando at orlando punct ro
A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline
vineri, octombrie 30th, 2015Assume now a group of people aware of the reality of interpersonal conflicts and in search of a way out of this predicament. And assume that I then propose the following as a solution: In every case of conflict, including conflicts in which I myself am involved, I will have the last and final word. I will be the ultimate judge as to who owns what and when and who is accordingly right or wrong in any dispute regarding scarce resources. This way, all conflicts can be avoided or smoothly resolved.
What would be my chances of finding your or anyone else’s agreement to this proposal?
My guess is that my chances would be virtually zero, nil. In fact, you and most people will think of this proposal as ridiculous and likely consider me crazy, a case for psychiatric treatment. For you will immediately realize that under this proposal you must literally fear for your life and property. Because this solution would allow me to cause or provoke a conflict with you and then decide this conflict in my own favor. Indeed, under this proposal you would essentially give up your right to life and property or even any pretense to such a right. You have a right to life and property only insofar as I grant you such a right, i.e., as long as I decide to let you live and keep whatever you consider yours. Ultimately, only I have a right to life and I am the owner of all goods.
And yet—and here is the puzzle—this obviously crazy solution is the reality. Wherever you look, it has been put into effect in the form of the institution of a State. The State is the ultimate judge in every case of conflict. There is no appeal beyond its verdicts. If you get into conflicts with the State, with its agents, it is the State and its agents who decide who is right and who is wrong. The State has the right to tax you. Thereby, it is the State that makes the decision how much of your property you are allowed to keep—that is, your property is only “fiat” property. And the State can make laws, legislate—that is, your entire life is at the mercy of the State. It can even order that you be killed—not in defense of your own life and property but in the defense of the State or whatever the State considers “defense” of its “state-property.”
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Rezultate Apple, Q3
joi, octombrie 29th, 2015– 51.50 miliarde USD in venituri
– 11.12 miliarde USD profit
– 31% cresterea profitului fata de Q3 2014
– 48.04 milioane iPhone-uri vandute
– 39.9% gross margin
– 670 USD pretul mediu de vanzare pentru iPhone, in crestere
– China + Hong Kong si Taiwan au generat 12.5 miliarde USD in vanzare, crestere de 99% fata de perioada similara a anului 2014!
– Vanzarea de iPad-uri a scazut cu 20%, vanzarea de Mac-uri a crescut cu 3%
– Categoria „other products”, adica Apple Watch, iPod, Apple TV si Beats, a crescut cu 61% pana la 3.5 miliarde USD vanzari
– 205 miliarde USD cash
Intact lanseaza
vineri, octombrie 23rd, 2015Interesant, Intactul intra pe piata anunturilor prin lansarea
Dupa achizitia Tocmai de catre OLX avem un lider detasat,, si un model de business, Okazii, care incearca sa se adapteze si sa tina pasul cu „sud-africanii”. De vazut ce impact va avea lansarea si de ce promovare vor beneficia pe tv, mediul prin care si mercador/olx au crescut ca Fat-Frumos.
Lansarea e interesanta si prin prisma strategiei Intact de a intra in zona serviciilor care genereaza venituri de la useri si a iesi putin din paradigma monetizarii prin publicitate. Bafta!
Rezultate Amazon, Google, Microsoft
vineri, octombrie 23rd, 2015Pe Q3:
– E un trimestru cu profit pentru Amazon, 79 milioane USD
– Venituri de $25.36 miliarde USD
– 79% crestere pentru Amazon Web Services care a generat si un profit de 521 milioane USD, adica aproape cat toata divizia de retail din America de Nord
– 3.98 miliarde USD profit
– 18.68 miliarde USD venituri
– 21% crestere vs Q3 2014 in conditiile in care IAB a anuntat ieri ca piata din SUA, online, a crescut cu 19% pe S1 2015
– creste numarul de clickuri, 35%, scade pretul per click, 16%
– 73 miliarde USD cash in conturi
– Este primul trimestru la care raportarea se face pe cele 3 divizii: Productivity and Business Processes/Intelligent Cloud/More Personal Computing
– 4.62 miliarde USD profit, in crestere, peste asteptarile pietei
– 20.38 miliarde USD venituri, in scadere
– Pe divizii, Productivity and Business Processes si Intelligent Cloud livreaza cresteri, a doua chiar de double digits, More Personal Computing e pe minus
Lansare: Cine cauta,
joi, octombrie 22nd, 2015Momentan siteul, in curand aplicatiile iOS si Android: este o platfoma dedicata micilor intreprinzatori si clientilor lor. Aceasta a aparut in mod natural, la cererea pietei, tinand cont de faptul ca nevoia de servicii prompte, realizate de catre firme flexibile si persoane care se misca repede si bine este in crestere. Companiile mari urmeaza proceduri ce implica mai multe departamente si o durata mai lunga de timp, astfel ca serviciile acestora sunt uneori ineficiente. De asemenea, exista situatii in care corporatiile nici nu ofera anumite servicii de care fiecare persoana are nevoie la un moment dat. strange laolalta prestatori de servicii utile si se adreseaza mai ales persoanelor ocupate, care au nevoie de eficienta maxima atunci cand au de rezolvat o problema punctuala legata de casa, familie sau firma. Platforma propune serviciile animatorilor de care ai nevoie pentru zilele de nastere ale copiilor si stie sa te ajute cu un mester priceput la toate, care face mici reparatii prin casa. Tot aici ii vei gasi pe fotograful care iti transforma petrecerea de schimbare a prefixului in amintiri savuroase si pe doamna care are grija ca totul sa fie curat si aerist cand ajungi acasa. gazduieste aceste servicii si oricine e interesat are acces la ele rapid si in siguranta.
Toti furnizorii inscrisi pe sunt verificati in prealabil, astfel ca platforma propune persoane si companii de incredere. Ele sunt atent selectionate de catre echipa in functie de competentele profesionale si seriozitatea in efectuarea lucrarilor. Platforma este astfel un intermediar gratuit pentru cererea de servicii specializate si persoanele serioase care le pot oferi.
Ultima reduta
vineri, octombrie 16th, 2015The Interpublic-owned media buying and research firm projects digital media in the U.S. will overtake television as the biggest media category next year—a year earlier than previously expected – with $66 billion in revenue. That shift is a “powerful symbol” for the future of the U.S. ad market, said Magna Global’s director of global forecasting, Vincent Letang. Digital media is already the biggest media type in several Western European countries as well as in China.
De aici.
PS. Ieri am avut o discutie cu un client care-mi spunea ca bugetul de digital a ajuns deja la 40% din total buget. In ro. Client care consuma si tv.
NYTimes @ 1 milion abonati online
marți, octombrie 6th, 2015This week, The Times is celebrating a breakthrough: We recently passed one million digital-only subscribers, giving us far more than any other news organization in the world. We have another 1.1 million print-and-digital subscribers, so that in total, we have more subscribers than at any time in our 164-year history.
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Blocarea reclamelor, faza pe ISP
vineri, octombrie 2nd, 2015„(Digicel is) deploying ad control technology at the network level on its networks across the globe to ensure a better experience for customers and to encourage the likes of Google, Facebook and Yahoo to help connect the 4.2 billion unconnected people across the globe. Ad control technology benefits both consumers and network operators alike. With ads using up as much as 10% of a customers’ data plan allowance, this move will allow customers to browse the mobile web and apps without interruption from unwanted advertising messages.”
What sweethearts. Of course, the notice then proceeds to make it clear what this is really about. And that’s Digicel and billionaire owner Denis O’Brien’s belief that they are owed a cut of content company ad revenue simply because content company traffic touches their network:
„Companies like Google, Yahoo and Facebook talk a great game and take a lot of credit when it comes to pushing the idea of broadband for all – but they put no money in. Instead they unashamedly trade off the efforts and investments of network operators like Digicel to make money for themselves. That’s unacceptable, and we as a network operator, are taking a stand against them to force them to put their hands in their pockets and play a real role in improving the opportunities for economic empowerment for the global population.””
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