
Pustiul care acum 11 ani mi-a refuzat oferta de a cumpara a ajuns in New York Times ca personaj principal intr-o analiza. Bravo, Vivi, te asteptam ca „benevolent dictator” cand te plictisesti de Trump, .ro-ul are nevoie de oameni ca tine.

Slack doesn’t replace meetings,’’ Costache objected, when I asked him, on the phone. ‘‘It replaces the water cooler.’’ I remembered the cold-brew coffee keg in Spring’s office that, judging by the voluble group often around it, seemed to have replaced the water cooler already. ‘‘When saddle-makers wanted to sell saddles, they promoted riding horses. Slack sells the idea of a new kind of meeting and a new kind of workplace in order to sell Slack.’’

So, I asked, what do we do about meetings? Just ban them?

‘‘I’m not that radical,’’ he said, at last. ‘‘There’s too much value to an in-person meeting. When my engineering team has to decide what they want to build in the next two weeks, this is hard to do without meetings. Say it’s me and three other senior engineers discussing an architectural choice about our Python code base. We start to discuss what that looked like, and give one person feedback. .?.?. ’’ He paused. ‘‘There’s so much volume of information — it’s like a river of information. If it’s a valuable meeting, we all pour this information. Someone’s distraction, another person’s incomprehension. I have this image of a giant pipe, so much richness. It couldn’t go on Slack.’’

6 Comentarii
  1. Octavian spune:

    Deci daca refuzi un deal cu Orlando, ajungi de succes. Asta încerci sa sugerezi? :-)

    11 ani… Am îmbatrânit… :-)

  2. orlando spune:

    Da, asa pare :)

    Si eu :)

  3. butcher spune:

    Cum merge treaba cu, Vivi? :)
    Blogul l-ai cam abandonat :)

  4. Dan spune:

    Cred că primul blog de care am devenit dependent a fost al lui Vivi :-)

  5. Octavian spune:

    Mi-a fost foarte util blogul ăla – m-a ajutat sa nu ma simt singur si izolat, deși tocmai ma mutasem intr-o țara in care am plecat de la zero cu viața personală, prietenii, cunoscuții.

  6. Florin spune:

    „Deci daca refuzi un deal cu Orlando, ajungi de succes. Asta încerci sa sugerezi? :-)”

    Si eu am refuzat de 3 ori si nu am ajuns in NY Times :)
    Felicitari Vivi!

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