Archive for septembrie, 2016
Petitie pentru vanzarea domeniilor .ro
joi, septembrie 22nd, 2016Bogdan a initiat o petitie pentru vanzarea domeniilor .ro, vanzare interzisa de regulamentele ROTLD. Cred ca regulamentul trebuie modificat astfel incat domeniile sa poata fi tranzactionate, deci sustin aceasta petitie. O gasiti aici.
Postat in Internet, Sustin
7 Comentarii
miercuri, septembrie 7th, 2016I think launching a consumer focused mobile app and getting sustained traction (>1mm MAUs for six straight months), is almost impossible right now. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done. I am sure there will be exceptions that will prove the rule.
Postat in Discutii, Mobile
3 Comentarii