miercuri, septembrie 7th, 2016I think launching a consumer focused mobile app and getting sustained traction (>1mm MAUs for six straight months), is almost impossible right now. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done. I am sure there will be exceptions that will prove the rule.
This entry was posted on miercuri, septembrie 7th, 2016 at 08:25 and is filed under Discutii, Mobile. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
3 Comentarii
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Din comentarii: „building mobile app is not business, business is what behind the app”.
This pretty much says it all. In plus e si asta un caz clar de „chasing the wrong numbers”
Nu mai gasesc articolul, era despre evolutia app store-ului, dar concluzia era ca daca vrei si sa faci bani cu un app trebuie sa fi dispus sa incluzi publicitate in aplicatie.
Se poate dar e foarte scump.
Pe mobile classifieds de ex. e o batalie incredibila, sint foarte multi playeri lansati relativ recent si umflati de VC sau parinti gen Naspers/Ebay – Letgo, Offerup, Shpock, Wallapop, Close5 etc. Majoritatea au investitii de 100 milioane$ sau peste care se duc in TV, app install ads, etc. in speranta ca unul ia piata si va fi un business de cateva miliarde la nivel mondial.