„Duios Anastasia trecea”
sâmbătă, septembrie 25th, 2010Departamentul de Justitie al guvernului american a ajuns la un acord cu 6 companii de top americane, Google, Apple, Adobe, Intel, Pixar, Intuit Inc., cerandu-le acestora sa nu mai intre in intelegeri de tip „nu ne atacam angajatii”. Acordul va trebui aprobat de o instanta judecatoreasca pentru a evita actionarea in judecata a celor 6 companii. Dovezile intelegerilor le aveti mai jos:
1. Beginning no later than 2006, Apple and Google executives agreed not to cold call each other’s employees. Apple placed Google on its internal “Do Not Call List,” which instructed employees not to directly solicit employees from the listed companies. Similarly, Google listed Apple among the companies that had special agreements with Google and were part of the “Do Not Cold Call” list;
2. Beginning no later than May 2005, senior Apple and Adobe executives agreed not to cold call each other’s employees. Apple placed Adobe on its internal “Do Not Call List” and similarly, Adobe included Apple in its internal list of “Companies that are off limits”;
3. Beginning no later than April 2007, Apple and Pixar executives agreed not to cold call each other’s employees. Apple placed Pixar on its internal “Do Not Call List” and senior executives at Pixar instructed human resources personnel to adhere to the agreement and maintain a paper trail;
4. Beginning no later than September 2007, Google and Intel executives agreed not to cold call each other’s employees. In its hiring policies and protocol manual, Google listed Intel among the companies that have special agreements with Google and are part of the “Do Not Cold Call” list. Similarly, Intel instructed its human resources staff about the existence of the agreement;
5. In June 2007, Google and Intuit executives agreed that Google would not cold call any Intuit employee. In its hiring policies and protocol manual, Google also listed Intuit among the companies that have special agreements with Google and are part of the “Do Not Cold Call” list.
Toate detaliile aici
P.S 1. Pentru autoritatile romane, recunosc, am avut o incercare de intelegere cu Fusu pe tema „nu ne atacam angajatii” in perioada cand eram la Netbridge, piata era insa prea mica atunci.
P.S. 2. Pentru mai tinerii cititori care nu inteleg titlul, „Duios Anastasia trecea” este nuvela de citit a lui D.R. Popescu, pe vremea tineretii mele era lectura obligatorie in liceu si subiect de bac, nu mai stiu cum e acum.
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[…] noi, adic?m institu?iile mass-media de la noi, vor semna un a?a tip de […]
tin minte ca pe actul aditional care se semna pe atunci in grup erau mai multe companii nu doar Neogen
:)) Esti din ce in ce mai romantic in titluri.
In alta ordine de idei, mi se pare normal sa aiba tipul asta de intelegeri, mai mult, cred ca din respect si orgoliu angajatii nu ar trebui sa sara dintr-o tabara in alta. Bine, angajatii de top, de la un anumit nivel in sus ma refer, ca pe aia mici ii schimba ca pe sosete intre ei.
tii tu minte ceva dar ala era alt acord :)
Vorba aia: unde e bani multi ,e si nasoale multe :)