So true
vineri, ianuarie 13th, 2012I’m a little surprised all the people who were so up in arms about the Microsoft „monopoly” ten years ago aren’t out in the streets today lighting torches and sharpening their pitchforks to go after Google. Does the fact that Google’s products are mostly free and ad-supported somehow exempt it from the same scrutiny? Isn’t anyone else concerned that Google, even with the best of „don’t be evil” intentions, has become more master than servant?
Calling the current state of search engine competition a horse race is an insult to horse races. No, what we have here is a one horse race where all the other horses were shipped off to glue factories years ago. Forget „search conference”, you should be throwing a „Google conference”, because there’s no difference.
I don’t know. Maybe that’s OK. But it does mean that if Google, for whatever reason, decided to remove you from its search results, your website no longer exists. At least not as a viable business, anyway.
De aici, via Cristian Strat
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Horse race? Horse s**t… :
So true. Si daca ne gandim ca articolul respectiv are o vechime de aproape 3 ani… De atunci, multe s-au schimbat, in favoarea lui Google…. Panda si Google + fiind doar doua dintre exemple prin care se pare ca „Google wants to rule the Internet world”….
the knife must scratch the bone for us to realize what it’s really happening. but that ain’t gonna happen, right? as long as they feed us with nice free clips, games, mail, gadgets etc…. I mean, come on, ppl, they know how to make us forget….
Dap, adevarat. Daca e pe gratis, nu provoaca isterie…
nice marketing done by goagle:P
Facebook will be more powerfull than Google, in my opinion…