Google, show me the money!
vineri, decembrie 14th, 2012Pentru a inchide o disputa legala, care dura de ceva vreme, cu un ziar belgian, Google a acceptat sa cumpere publicitate in respectivul ziar in valoarea de 6 milioane USD + va plati si cheltuielile de judecata :D. Un precedent periculos as spune tinand cont de ceea ce se intampla prin Franta si Germania. Intreaga poveste aici.
The danger, of course, is that the rest of Europe will soon be beating a path to Google’s door demanding similar payouts. As we’ve noted, France and Germany are already kicking up dust over the copyright issue too (so is Brazil). The Le Monde story will only embolden them.
In the bigger picture, European news publishers would be better served by dropping the half-baked copyright claims (Google’s fair use case for excerpts is strong) and getting on with the painful process of digitization. The continent has wonderful newspapers but the ongoing prevalence of print is astounding compared to North America.
This entry was posted on vineri, decembrie 14th, 2012 at 07:30 and is filed under Internet, Media. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Exista vreun site in reteaua Mediafax care accepta coduri Google? Daca da, de ce? Daca nu, de ce? Cred ca e o discutie interesanta.
Nu, nu exista.
Si la partea cu „de ce”, ce spui?
Pentru ca noi avem branduri iar Google nu stie sa vanda branduri, stie sa vanda bulk. Si pentru ca am pierde controlul a ceea ce vindem.