The New York Times Innovation Report

In the coming years The New York Times needs to accelerate this transition from a newspaper that also produces a rich and impressive digital report to a digital publication that also produces a rich and impressive newspaper. This is not a matter of semantics. It is a critical difficult and at times painful transformation that will require us to rethink much what we do every day.

Our leaders know this and we have taken steps in these directions. But it has become increasingly clear that we are not moving with enough urgency. This may be the single most important long-term challenge facing the newsroom and its leaders.

There are factors that, understandably, slow this tricky transition. More than three quarters of our advertising and subscription revenue still comes from the newspaper, and most of our employees have spent their careers building skills to succeed in print. But the huge majority of our readers are digital, and this represents our single biggest opportunity for growth.

As a business, this is an extremely difficult balancing act. It is just as tricky for the newsroom. The experience of putting out the newspaper informs almost every element of how we do our jobs, from the people we hire to how they work to what they produce. These assumptions — based on the newspaper’s fixed dimensions and hard deadlines — are so baked into our days that it is easy to overlook their artificial limitations or the new possibilities we could embrace.

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10 Comentarii
  1. Traian spune:

    Dupa ce am postat comentariul anterior, m-a „gasit” inca un comentariu despre report :)

  2. Andrei spune:

    Cand e gata versiunea de mobil a ?
    Sau nu e nici plan?

  3. Dragos spune:

    Mie mi-a placut si mai mult in care au citat din Jonah Peretti de la BuzzFeed,

    Our tech team, product team, and data science team have built a very powerful publishing platform that allows us to serve our readers better. We have spent years building publishing formats (lists, quizzes, video, longform, short-form, breaking news, photo essays, explainers), stats and analytics, optimization and testing frameworks, integrations with social platforms, native-mobile apps, and a user friendly, visually pleasing design. This is a massive investment that is very difficult to replicate, it is part of the reason that the best editorial talent wants to join BuzzFeed, and it creates a virtuous cycle where a growing number of talented people use increasingly powerful tools to do their job.

    O treaba pe care nu multi publisheri din afara o inteleg, ce sa mai zic de noi, in Romania…

  4. Dragos spune:

    Aici e toata scrisoarea lui Peretti din care au citat:

  5. dragos spune:

    @Dragos – problema nu e ca nu inteleg publisherii din Romania, problema este ca in piata din Romania nu faci bani cu asta. Uita-te un pic in sati la primele 50-100 de saturi ca sa iti faci o idee de inseamna internet in romania – nivelul este foarte-foarte jos, cam ca orice in Romania, si nu din cauza ca nu ar fi oameni care sa inteleaga asta. Nu sunt bani care sa incurajeze asta.

  6. Dragos spune:


    Eu as zice ca sunt bani, nu multi dar sunt, si punem face si noi ceva misto dar la alta scara, doar ca in Romania oamenii si-au asumat rolul de cheap follower. Adica, observa modele de afara si le copiaza ieftin si irational. Mai rau, le copiaza si mai pun ceva de la ei, ceva ce de obicei e gresit sau nu are nicio ratiune in spate. Lasand la o parte investitia in tehnologie hardware, pe care multi deja o au, altii au nevoie de ea, investitiile in oameni putin mai buni care sa faca work ceva mai complex si mai elaborat, nu sunt chiar asa mari. Din ce stiu eu :)

    Dar ca sa iti si dau un exemplu concret: / Au avut nevoie de niste oameni sa lucreze la aia, crezi ca oamenii aia nu puteau face ceva custom, pe nevoile lor? Sau cumva nevoile si strategia usatoday coincid cu digi24? :D

    E complex subiectul oricum, pe undeva ai si tu dreptate, dar si eu cu ce am zis mai sus. Criza in advertising, de exemplu, le-a ascutit mintile unora si fac work pe bani putini la fel ca inainte cand faceau pe saci de bani.

  7. Dragos spune:

    Si stai ca pana la noi in Romania sunt multi in afara care au bani dar focusul lor e tot in newsroom si nu in technology & design. Ma uit la WSJ cand zic asta. Ca sa inchei, cred ca every future company needs to be a technology company, where technology means seamless blending between software and hardware, design and development, content and content manager systems. :D (e de la mine asta, dintr-un articol pentru viitorul meu site :)) )

  8. Silviu spune:

    Mi se pare interesant ca un cuvant foarte important din titlul nu se regaseste deloc in comentariile de mai sus. Poate asta e si explicatia „crizei in advertising” …

  9. Dragos spune:


    Innovation e putin exagerat si in documentul NYT, mai corect era EVOLUTION sau REVOLUTION, ca inovatia curata in zilele noastre e rara si cam scumpa…uita-te la Google cu cati bani au si ce greu reusesc sa inoveze cu adevarat, ca sa nu zic cate proiecte vin si pleaca…

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