Archive for the ‘business’ Category
Tweeturile diminetii
miercuri, mai 29th, 2013Ambele scoase din declaratiile lui Tim Cook de la D11, unul imi apartine, sper sa ma iertati pentru asta :):
Tim Cook: We got into mobile advertising because we wanted developers to make money. Not because we wanted Apple to make money.
— Michael Learmonth (@learmonth) May 29, 2013
Tim Cook: „59% of ALL web traffic is from iOS devices. Our North Star is simply making the best product.” #D11
— orlando nicoara (@orlandonicoara) May 29, 2013
eMag @ 165 milioane euro in 2012
miercuri, mai 22nd, 2013Crestere de 14% fata de 2011, cam 16.5 milioane euro (10%) rulate prin partenerii din marketplace. De aici.
luni, mai 6th, 2013And I realized the world of business really separates into these two groups. The attackers are the entrepreneurs who are disrupting the status quo, trying to change the world, take the hill, anything is possible, and have nothing to lose in most cases. They’re driven by passion and the idea and intensity. Large organizations — and it’s true of Fortune 500s and it’s also true of governments and other large organizations — are defenders. These guys aren’t trying to pursue the art of the possible, how to maximize opportunity. They actually are trying to minimize the downside, and hedge risk. They’re trying to de-risk situations. Entrepreneurs can’t even think this way. It’s not even a concept they understand.
For the traditional executives running these large companies, of course they want to grow, of course they want to innovate, of course they’d rather have revenue grow faster than slower, but they mostly don’t want to lose what they’ve got. But entrepreneurs are deathly afraid that they won’t be able to change the world, and that somebody else will. Again, these generalizations are a little unfair, but corporate executives are all too often deathly afraid that the business they inherit will be less valuable when they leave than when they started.
De aici.
E simplu
joi, mai 2nd, 2013Magento de la eBay + ERP de la Oracle = 1.5 milioane euro. Si cel putin un magazin online pe an.
Retailerul online de produse IT&C, operat de compania International Transactions & Services (IT&S) a investit 1,5 milioane de euro într-o platform? care îi permite s? lanseze noi magazine online proprii sau ale altor companii, care în prezent au opera?iuni „offline“, dar vor s? se extind? rapid ?i pe internet, potrivit Danei Iorga, directorul general al firmei.
Pentru a putea gestiona mai multe magazine online, inclusiv ale unor parteneri, IT&S a implementat platforma MultiStore, furnizat? de compania Magento – de?inut? de americanii de la eBay ?i care a fost integrat? cu solu?ia ERP Oracle E- Business Suite. Dup? aceast? investi?ie vom putea lansa cel pu?in câte un magazin online propriu pe an, afirm? Dana Iorga.
De aici.
Ca sa recapitulam, avem 3 4 5 marketplace-uri sau wanna be in acest moment:, si plus (thx Dragos) plus (thx Calin).
„What a stupid idea”
miercuri, mai 1st, 2013“I want to make an app for browsing catalogs. It’s like a fashion catalog, but you can organize and share outfits,” he said. He pulled out his iPhone and showed me a prototype that barely worked. The UI was decent but clunky; it had side-swiping navigation that only worked every few swipes. He showed me what seemed to be an endless series of women’s dresses. “Nice,” I said. But I had already dismissed the idea. How on Earth would this 20-something guy in Silicon Valley reach his target market of middle aged women? And would they even want such a thing? Did they even own iPhones? I think I asked a series of questions, but I don’t even remember the answers.
“What a stupid idea,” I thought to myself.
As we finished our coffees, I think he sensed my apathy, and we parted ways. But just before I walked away, he asked a question:
“What do you think about the name we’ve been using? It’s called Pinterest.”
The future is extremely hard to see through the lens of the present. It’s very easy to unconsciously dismiss the first versions of something as frivolous or useless. Or as stupid ideas.
De aici
Apple: The Good, The Bad, The Crazy, The Weird
miercuri, aprilie 24th, 2013The Good: 60.6 milioane de device-uri cu iOS vandute in Q1, in crestere cu 9.8 milioane fata de Q1 2012, iTunes a generat 4.1 miliarde USD adica 30% crestere si cam 30% din veniturile Google pe Q1, 800 de downloaduri aplicatii pe secunda, 1 miliarde USD platiti catre dezvoltatorii de aplicatii, 37.4 milioane de iPhone-uri vandute, aproape 20 milioane de iPaduri
The Bad: Profitul de 9.55 miliarde USD este mai mic cu 18% fata de perioada similara a anului trecut desi vanzarile au crescut cu 12%. Este prima oara din Q3 2003 cand profitul scade.
The Crazy: Apple sta acum pe cash sau cash echivalent de aproape 150 miliarde USD
The Weird: Desi „sta” pe ~ 150 miliarde USD cash, Apple se va imprumuta, din motive de taxe, pentru a plati dividende si a rascumpara o parte din actiuni. Asta pentru ca cea mai mare parte a cash-ului e in offshore-uri iar repatrierea in SUA ar insemna 35% impozit.
Apple, Samsung si restul
luni, martie 25th, 2013Cateva date despre piata de telefoane mobile din 2012:
– 1.75 miliarde telefoane vandute, in scadere cu 1.7% fata de 2011
– 207.7 ~ 700 milioane de smartphone-uri, in crestere cu 38.3% fata de 2011
– Apple + Samsung = 52% in Q4 2012, in crestere de la 46.4% cat aveau in Q3 2012
– Nokia a vandut 39.3 milioane smartphone-uri, mai putin de jumatate din cat au vandut in 2011
– Estimarile pentru 2013 sunt de 1.9 miliarde telefoane vandute din care 1 miliard!, de 5 ori mai multe decat in 2012, vor fi smartphone-uri
Datele sunt furnizate de firma de cercetare Gartner.
P.S. multumesc cititorului care mi-a lasat ieri un comentariu cu feedback despre voyo, l-am transmis mai departe, cum nu a lasat o adresa de mail valida pentru a-i multumi personal, o fac aici.
Cinci de la CEO-ul Orange
marți, martie 5th, 2013De fapt sunt cinci despre piata de telecom de la CEO-ul Orange, Stephane Richard, opinii interesante tinand cont de pozitia detinuta si cum vad operatorii ceea ce se intampla acum in piata:
1. Apple e mai flexibil si mai putin arogant:
Apple has [become] more flexible, paying more attention to everyone else, probably a little less arrogant than they used to be. I think they are probably a little more under pressure, and it is quite nice.
2. iOS + Android domina piata dar operatorii spera ca Blackberry, Windows, Mozilla sau mobile Linux sa ameninte duopolul Apple – Google
And while carriers are rooting for Mozilla, Microsoft, BlackBerry and mobile Linux to emerge as rivals to Android and the iPhone, there’s no way the market is large enough to support that many competitors.
“There is probably not room for everyone,” Richard said. “But all of us hope that among those initiatives, at least one will be able to emerge as a third ecosystem.”
3. Windows phone, direct in engleza:
Richard said that Windows Phone has a “very difficult” road to truly compete with iOS and Android. Richard said devices running the Microsoft-developed operating system are neither better designed nor cheaper, nor do they offer a better application experience than iOS or Android. Put simply, Windows Phone is good but lacks a “wow” factor, Richard said. Making things worse, he said, hardware makers have generally been selling Windows Phones for the same price as the more popular devices.
4. Despre Nokia, tot in engleza:
The Nokia family in my opinion is nice, but there is no ‘wow’ effect,” Richard said. “When you have a market with very steady players like Apple and Samsung, you need to have a ‘wow’ effect.
5. Despre competitia din telecom:
“We are living through incredible competition. He implored regulators to prevent further companies from entering the crowded market. At the same time, Richard acknowledged that this is a case he and other European operators have been making for years.
“It is a little tiring to sing the same song,” he said.
Bonus, despre comisarii UE:
He called one particular regulator “dumb” and said another, while holding a decent view of the marketplace, appears powerless to improve the situation.
Ce ar putea face Apple cu 137 miliarde USD
luni, martie 4th, 2013Mai multe idei pentru cash-ul pe care „sta” Apple in acest moment, 137 miliarde USD:
Apple could acquire a big chunk of the Internet all at once, including: Groupon ($3.36 billion), Yahoo ($25.95 billion), Facebook ($61.7 billion), Twitter ($10 billion) and LinkedIn ($18.32 billion), Yelp ($1.47 billion), AOL ($2.81 billion), Pandora ($2.09 billion), Zynga ($2.69 billion), OpenTable ($1.32 billion) and, finally, Pinterest ($2.5 biilion). Phew.