Archive for the ‘business’ Category

eMag s-a vandut la o evaluare de 115 milioane USD

ZF-ul vine cu cifre in tranzactia anului in onlineul din .ro, Naspers a cumparat 70% din eMag cu 83 milioane USD ceea ce inseamna o evaluarea de aproape 120 milioane USD. Si asa tranzactia anului devine tranzactia deceniului. Mare realizare, felicitari Radu si Iulian!

Trei despre Black Friday

la ei:

1. Vanzarile online la americani au depasit $1 miliard pentru prima oara. Sursa

2. Apple e mult peste Google/Android daca ne uitam la datele statistice, peste 88% din tabletele care „au cumparat” au fost iPad-uri, iar in cifrele totale iPhone si iPad au de 3 ori mai mult decat Android, 8.7% + 9.8% vs 5.5%



Only 0.68% of Black Friday online sales came from Facebook referrals–two-thirds of one percent. That was a decline of 1% from last year.
And how about Twitter? A couple of years ago, people were excited about Twitter’s potential as a commerce platform, too.
But Twitter’s impact on ecommerce, it seems, is zero. Not „basically zero.”
Commerce site traffic from Twitter accounted for exactly 0.00% of Black Friday traffic. That was down from 0.02% last year.



Buna seara,

Va trimit atasat o lista de discounturi pentru autoturisme din stoc.

Radu Apostolescu, eu zic sa le ceri un fee modic pentru imagine :)

Altfel, avem si noi Black Friday :) la abonamentele ZF si Business Magazin, 50% reducere doar astazi.

Google vs Samsung

All this plus an overall growth in volumes from 64 million to over 100 million per quarter has meant that the company is raking in enormous profits. Not only did it overtake Nokia, the market share leader for 14 years, but is making more profits than Nokia ever did.

So much profit in fact that it has overtaken Google’s decisively.

The reason I point this out is that Samsung’s success is dependent on having ridden on the back of Android. Samsung’s ascent can be precisely timed to their adoption of Android. The groundbreaking Samsung Galaxy launch was the Galaxy S which shipped in June 2010.


Google fail

si 3 motive pentru care au ratat estimarile Wall-Street cu rezultatele pe Q3:

1. Motorola a pierdut 527 milioane USD in Q3 . Cumparata pentru patente si pentru a impinge Android-ul, divizia de mobile de la Motorola s-ar putea sa fie o piatra de moara pentru Google, cel putin in urmatoarele trimestre, tinand cont ca si-a marit pierderea fata de perioada similara a anului trecut, pierderea operationala, nu minusul cauzat de restructurari.

2. Costul per click a scazut cu 15% fata de perioada similara a anului trecut. Si probabil va mai scadea in perioada urmatoare.

3. Google plateste mai mult siteurilor din retea, cam cu 500 milioane USD mai mult fata de perioada similara a anului trecut. Ceea ce afecteaza profitul in mod direct.


These four make the dominant platforms that will rule tomorrow’s digital world: Apple has iOS, Amazon has ecommerce and AWS, Google has Android and the Web, and Facebook possesses your identity and social graph.

asa vede Eric Schmidt, Google, viitorul, cu acesti 4 playeri care vor domina piata. Lipseste Microsoft, ceea ce e oarecum normal tinand cont de history-ul lui Eric cu firma din Redmond.

Totusi nu e chiar asa cum le vede Eric, Microsoft inca joaca la acelasi nivel, din mai multe motive, cash-ul pe care sta, business-ul e inca la un nivel inalt, Windows 8 va fi disponibil la $40 in format digital (extrem de agresiva politica de preturi + Microsoft inca domina piata la OS de pc), iar Android-ul si Google vor mai avea probleme pe viitor. De citit insa toata analiza Why the fall of 2012 will determine Microsoft’s fate

Microsoft vrea sa devina Apple

Microsoft Corp Chief Executive Steve Ballmer has signaled a new direction for the world’s largest software company, pointing to hardware and online services as its future, taking a page from long-time rival Apple Inc.

Ballmer’s comments in his annual letter to shareholders published on Tuesday suggested that Microsoft may eventually make its own phones to build on its forthcoming own-brand Surface tablet PC and market-leading Xbox gaming console.

„There will be times when we build specific devices for specific purposes, as we have chosen to do with Xbox and the recently announced Microsoft Surface,” wrote Ballmer.

Microsoft CEO sees company becoming more like Apple

De ce nu (prea) conteaza producatorii de stiri

Si conteaza mult brandul pe care-l dezvolti si credibilitatea de care se bucura (vezi Mediafax sau Ziarul Financiar):


In this category, supply is highly diversified. Content is highly substitutional. While important brands exist here, and we show a preference for many of them, the power exists in the hands of the distributor. Audience size brings increased revenue (whether ad supported or consumer paid). This content category is highly fungible. A storm-is-a-brewing because of social media, however. Many prominent writers (and ones less so) are building enormous social media brands sometimes bigger and more loyal than the audience size of the news distributors themselves.

De aici: Who Holds the Power in Media – Content or Distribution?

A, a depasit pe septembrie, in SATI, la unici lunari,, sper sa nu ma insel dar cred ca e prima oara cand se intampla. Iar top 3 siteuri pe septembrie arata astfel: 1., 2. Realitatea, (apropo si de asta)

O ora de weekend

Un dialog intre Calacanis si Sacca de ~ o ora, prima parte, suficient de interesant incat sa ma uit pana la final si sa astept partea a doua. Si o introducere buna pentru proiectul lui Radu, Andrei si Bogdan, Povestea o gasiti la Radu pe blog.

„Amazon Play”

It’s a heads we win, tails you lose strategy. That’s the brilliance. If you buy an iPad but use Amazon’s iOS apps to read Kindle books and watch movies through your Amazon Prime account, Apple wins but so too does Amazon. If you buy a Kindle Fire instead of an iPad, Apple gets nothing. Amazon wins so long as you consume media content from Amazon, no matter if you play it on a Kindle Fire or an iPad. Apple only wins if you buy an iPad.

Om Malik argues that Bezos is the inheritor to Steve Jobs’s crown. I agree. Not because Bezos has copied anything Jobs did, but because he has not. What he’s done that is Jobs-like is doggedly pursue, year after year, iteration after iteration, a vision unlike that of any other company — all in the name of making customers happy.

Foarte bun articolul, de citit si interviul cu Bezos din ATD