Archive for the ‘business’ Category
Peacetime CEO/Wartime CEO
joi, mai 24th, 2012Articolul are un an vechime dar e mai actual ca niciodata:
Peacetime CEO knows that proper protocol leads to winning. Wartime CEO violates protocol in order to win.
Peacetime CEO focuses on the big picture and empowers her people to make detailed decisions. Wartime CEO cares about a speck of dust on a gnat’s ass if it interferes with the prime directive.
Peacetime CEO builds scalable, high volume recruiting machines. Wartime CEO does that, but also builds HR organizations that can execute layoffs.
Peacetime CEO spends time defining the culture. Wartime CEO lets the war define the culture.
Peacetime CEO always has a contingency plan. Wartime CEO knows that sometimes you gotta roll a hard six.
Peacetime CEO knows what to do with a big advantage. Wartime CEO is paranoid.
Peacetime CEO strives not to use profanity. Wartime CEO sometimes uses profanity purposefully.
Peacetime CEO thinks of the competition as other ships in a big ocean that may never engage. Wartime CEO thinks the competition is sneaking into her house and trying to kidnap her children.
Peacetime CEO aims to expand the market. Wartime CEO aims to win the market.
Peacetime CEO strives to tolerate deviations from the plan when coupled with effort and creativity. Wartime CEO is completely intolerant.
Peacetime CEO does not raise her voice. Wartime CEO rarely speaks in a normal tone.
Peacetime CEO works to minimize conflict. Wartime CEO heightens the contradictions.
Peacetime CEO strives for broad based buy in. Wartime CEO neither indulges consensus-building nor tolerates disagreements.
Peacetime CEO sets big, hairy audacious goals. Wartime CEO is too busy fighting the enemy to read management books written by consultants who have never managed a fruit stand.
Peacetime CEO trains her employees to ensure satisfaction and career development. Wartime CEO trains her employees so they don’t get their ass shot off in the battle.
Peacetime CEO has rules like “we’re going to exit all businesses where we’re not number 1 or 2.” Wartime CEO often has no businesses that are number 1 or 2 and therefore does not have the luxury of following that rule.
Doua cifre
marți, mai 22nd, 20121. Worldwide, piata anuala de media/publicitate este estimata la 525 miliarde USD
2. Worldwide, piata anuala de ecommerce este estimata la 680 miliarde USD
Care din ele credeti ca va creste in urmatorii ani? :)
marți, mai 22nd, 2012The smart money is flying out of Facebook as the dumb money piles in.
Rolfe Winkler, WSJ
miercuri, mai 16th, 2012Adica Un Vin Pe Zi Punct Ro. In curand, pentru pasionatii de vin bun :)
Tineti minte 10 cuvinte
miercuri, mai 16th, 2012Cred c? vor urma trei trimestre consecutive de cre?tere economic?
Liviu Voinea, secretar de stat in Ministerul Finantelor via Gandul . Cum ar spune colegii, „merita un big like”
Trei despre VentureConnect
marți, mai 15th, 20121. Joi, 17 Mai, incepand cu ora 14:00, workshop sustinut la RoNewMedia de Dan Visoiu, President of VentureConnect, Founding Partner of the Biri? Goran and Head of Corporate M&A
Subject: Entrepreneurship: Financing through Business Angels & Venture Capital / Private Equity Funds.
2. Tot joi, 17 Mai, de la ora 15:00, Marius Ghenea sustine, la sediul PPF, sesiunea Venture Mentoring la care orice antreprenor (sau nu) poate primi feedback de la Marius, cred ca este o ocazie ce nu trebuie ratata, ca fapt divers, la precedenta sesiune Radu Georgescu a stat cu participantii pana spre orele 22! Detalii si inscrieri aici
3. Mai puteti sa va inscrieti proiectul/business-ul la editia din aceasta primavara a evenimentului VentureConnect, deadline-ul este 20 mai, chiar daca aveti nevoie de o suma mai mica de 250,000 euro sfatul meu este sa participati pentru ca aveti ocazia sa „pitch-uiti” in fata a cel putin 30 de investitori, iar feedbackul si contactul cu acestia va vor ajuta. Inscrierea poate fi facuta aici.
Patru despre bubble
duminică, mai 6th, 20121. Marc Andreessen – „If we’re in a bubble, it’s the weirdest bubble I’ve ever seen, where everybody hates everything.” De aici
2. Paul Kedrosky, VC/Antreprenor – “It serves the interest of the investors who can come up with whatever valuation they want when there are no revenues. Once there is no revenue, there is no science, and it all just becomes finger in the wind valuations.” De aici
3. Chris Dixon – „The argument that sometimes startups get better valuations without revenue is somewhat true. As Josh Koppelman said “There’s nothing like numbers to screw up a good story.” This is driven by the psychology of venture investors who are sometimes able to justify a higher price to “buy the dream” than the same price to “buy the numbers.” This doesn’t mean the investors think they will invest and then get some greater fool to invest in the company again. For instance, at the seed stage, intelligent investors are quite aware that they are buying the dream but will need to have numbers to raise a Series A.” De aici
4. Dmitry Shapiro CEO of Anybeat – „I think it is also important to look at human resource factors when thinking of this. Some of you on this thread are responsible for convincing very young people to pursue entrepreneurship, arguably WAY before they are ready. They are taught some basic skills, given a little grooming to make them attractive to follow on investors, and sent to try to run through a wall. The tiny few that succeed are placed on a pedestal and hailed as gods, while the rest are left to fend for themselves. It is getting harder and harder to find engineers that want to join a company, as all are being sold that they should be the ones that are founding the companies, creating a dangerous dynamic.” De aici – de citit toata discutia
Profitul Amazon pe 3 luni = profitul Apple intr-o zi
duminică, aprilie 29th, 2012Yet Amazon’s profits continue to underwhelm, with an operating margin of just 1.5%, or $192 million. To put that in context, that is about the operating profit Apple earned per day last quarter.
Altfel Amazon a batut estimarile Wall Street pentru rezultatele pe Q1, atingand vanzari de 13.2 miliarde USD, in crestere cu 34% fata de perioada similara a anului trecut, astfel incat, cel mai probabil, 2012 va fi primul an cu vanzari de peste 50 miliarde USD. Pretul actiunilor a crescut cu 15% dupa anuntarea rezultatelor.
Am lansat
joi, aprilie 26th, 2012E online de aseara, detalii mai jos, inlocuieste ZF Exclusiv si ramane o platforma ce se adreseaza in special firmelor/factorilor de decizie din firme, in perioada urmatoare vom veni si cu oferta de cumparare stiri „la bucata”. Spre deosebire de ZF Exclusiv, ZF Corporate vine cu un site dedicat si o structura mai clara a ceea ce ofera, fiecare abonament are 5 conturi alocate, iar abonatii primesc, la pachet, si abonamente la editiile tiparite ZF si Business Magazin + toate cataloagele pe care le editam.
Daca veti merge la RoNewMedia, in urma parteneriatului pe care-l avem, in costul biletului veti primi si o luna de acces full pe ZFCorporate (adica echivalentul a 200 euro). Super oferta :)
Platforma ZF Corporate – ofer? informa?ii în timp real, analize, date statistice, infografice, materiale despre oamenii de business ?i companiile pe care le conduc, precum ?i opinii în principalele domenii ale economiei române?ti. Datele statistice sunt cota?ii de pe pia?a valutar?, pia?a de capital, burse de m?rfuri ?i pia?a monetar?. În fiecare zi sunt disponibile peste 150 de ?tiri de business furnizate direct de cele mai importante surse de informa?ie de business din România – Ziarul Financiar ?i Mediafax. Servicii precum licita?ii, propuneri de afaceri, revista presei, previziuni legislative completeaz? oferta ZF Corporate.
Multumiri lui Cosmin si Iulian pentru efortul din ultimele zile.
Patru despre Apple
miercuri, aprilie 25th, 20121. Si-au anuntat rezultatele pe Q1, profitul s-a dublat fata de perioada similara a anului trecut, 11.62 miliarde USD fata de 5.98 miliarde USD, iar veniturile au crescut cu aproape 60%, la 39.19 miliarde USD.
2. Dupa anuntarea rezultatelor, actiunile Apple au crescut cu ~ 8%, ceea ce inseamna spre 40 miliarde USD adaugati la capitalizare. Sony + Panasonic valoreaza impreuna ~ 35 miliarde USD .
3. Analistii de pe Wall-Street au estimat rezultatele Apple cu aproape 60% mai putin decat a livrat compania.
4. In 2 ani Apple a vandut 67 milioane iPad-uri. Aceeasi cantitate de Mac-uri au vandut-o in 24 de ani.