Archive for the ‘Internet’ Category
Rezultate Google – Q2 2015
vineri, iulie 17th, 2015Rezultatele Google pentru trimestrul 2 al acestui an sunt peste asteptarile Wall Street, fiind pentru prima oara in ultimele sase trimestre cand Google bate previziunile. Pare si o schimbare de strategie, cu un control mai atent al costurilor din partea noului CFO, Ruth Porat.
Venituri: 17.7 miliarde USD, 11% crestere fata de perioada similara a anului trecut
Profit: 3.9 miliarde USD vs 3.4 miliarde USD cat a fost cu un an in urma
Pierderi din intarirea dolarului: 1.1 miliarde USD !
Veniturile din siteurile partenere au crescut doar cu 2%
Angajati noi: 1,719, cel mai mic numar de angajati noi din Q4 2013
Total angajati: 57,149
Cash in banci si cash echivalent: 69.8 miliarde USD
Rezultatele anuntate ar putea duce astazi, pentru prima oara de la listare, la depasirea pragului de 400 miliarde USD, capitalizare bursiera.
Tweetul diminetii
miercuri, iulie 15th, 2015
Google is apparently slowing down hiring. Every startup in the valley is crying tears of joy right now.
— Aaron Levie (@levie) July 15, 2015
marți, iulie 7th, 2015Cat mai valoareaza contentul astazi, veniturile din digital ale celor de la NYTimes vs veniturile Google + Facebook:
$14 million. That’s the monthly digital ad revenue of The New York Times in the first quarter of this year. And, intriguingly, it’s the same number as the monthly digital ad revenue of The Huffington Post, newly part of Verizon. That number is open to a kaleidoscope of interpretations. Is it incredibly low, given the massive reach of both news organizations? Isn’t it interesting that the Times, with its core of 1,300 top-of-the-trade journalists, takes in the same amount of digital ad money that HuffPo does, relying on its army of 100,000 contributors from around the world — a number Arianna says she wants to grow to 1 million, in addition to its own full-time hundreds. What does that tell us about the advertising value of content? Compare that $14 million to Google’s monthly revenue of $5.7 billion and Facebook’s of $1.2 billion, and you can see the world as it now exists. A bonus number: Combined, Google and Facebook take in about 52 percent of all the nation’s digital advertising.
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„Temporary problem”
miercuri, iulie 1st, 2015During that process, AOL revealed that two suitors, earlier in the year, tried to buy The Huffington Post for $1 billion, or roughly four times what Jeff Bezos paid for The Washington Post two years ago. Plainly, to certain investors, digital media companies are valuable because they deliver enormous audiences. Any difficulty turning a profit — The Huffington Post broke even last year on $146 million in revenue, according to someone familiar with the site’s finances — is considered a temporary problem that will eventually be fixed by the sheer size of the readership.
De aici.
FashionDays a schimbat modelul de business
marți, iunie 30th, 2015„2014 a fost un an foarte important pentru Fashion Days pentru c? am schimbat modelul de business. Practic, Fashion Days s-a transformat dintr-un club de «shopping» pe baz? de invita?ie care oferea campanii limitate în timp ?i cantitate într-un magazin online deschis publicului larg unde clien?ii au la dispozi?ie o gam? variat? de peste 500.000 de produse de la peste 1.000 de branduri. Înainte vindeam doar colec?ii mai vechi ale diferitelor branduri, îns? acum cea mai mare parte din portofoliul nostru de produse este format? din cele mai noi colec?ii ale brandurilor“, a declarat pentru ZF Evgeniya Markova, directorul de marketing din cadrul grupului Fashion Days
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Regula lui 40%
vineri, iunie 26th, 2015A few months ago, I blogged about a formula I came across at a board meeting a while back that says your year over year growth rate plus your pre-tax operating margins need to be at least forty percent. Meaning you can grow at 100% per year and have operating margins of -60%. Or you can have flat growth and have 40% operating margins. Or you can grow at 20% per year and have 20% operating margins. There is no magic to the forty percent target, but I do like establishing some relationship between acceptable levels of profitability (or losses) and growth. Too many times I have seen companies invest in growth for growth sake without having any constraints or sanity checks on that investment and the losses that result from that investment.
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Tweetul diminetii
miercuri, iunie 17th, 2015
Bubble might pop -> Raise more $ than needed -> Can solve problems with $ -> Overhire -> Slow progress -> Ruin culture -> Destroy company.
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 16, 2015
vineri, iunie 12th, 2015Un al doilea hackathon va avea loc in aceasta luna la Welovedigital, whatthehack = 12 ore, 50 de concurenti, 20 de challenge-uri, 2500 euro in premii. Succes participantilor!
Despre cum a fost la primul hackathon, cel organizat de T-Me Studios, gasiti toate detaliile aici.
2 cu 3 la suta
vineri, iunie 5th, 2015De la Media Fact Book citire, piata de media din .ro a crescut in 2014 cu 2% iar in 2015 se asteapta o crestere de 3%. Daca nu ma insel sunt primele cresteri de dupa 2008.
Tot acolo am vazut ca online-ul e creditat cu 51 mil euro (Google/Facebook inclus) asta in conditiile in care playerii locali au declarat o piata de 25.4 mil euro pentru 2014.