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E greu cu publishingul online

A brief note on our company

Gigaom recently became unable to pay its creditors in full at this time. As a result, the company is working with its creditors that have rights to all of the company’s assets as their collateral. All operations have ceased. We do not know at this time what the lenders intend to do with the assets or if there will be any future operations using those assets. The company does not currently intend to file bankruptcy. We would like to take a moment and thank our readers and our community for supporting us all along.

— Gigaom management

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Stirea zilei

Am negociat anul trecut cu Ringier ca ei s? intre ac?ionari la România TV ?i la siteuri. Numai c? Ringier este, la rîndu-i, în negocieri cu Axel Springer ?i mai dureaz?. Vom relua îns? discu?iile dup? ce se clarific? ei.

Sebastian Ghita in interviul acordat lui Catalin Tolontan

„Google is a tiny company”

Apropo de cum te pozitionezi pe piata, in continuare Google este compania care ia cam 50% din cele 120 miliarde USD care se investesc anual in publicitatea online:

But Evans is the one who can put that into real numbers. “The revenue of the mobile telecom industry is $1.2 trillion,” Evans reels off. “And the revenue of all of online advertising is about $120 billion.”
Turning the tech industry’s attention toward the next opportunities requires putting a dent in the Valley’s self-importance. “People are running around saying Google is going to build a telecom business,” Evans says. “They don’t understand that annual mobile CapEx is about $220 billion a year. In that context, Google is small company.”

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Una despre Google

O stire de zilele trecute care a trecut neobservata, cei doi fondatori Google, Larry Page si Sergey Brin, isi vor vinde aproximativ 5% din actiunile pe care le detin pentru + 4 miliarde USD. Sursa


Content is the king, again

Mashable, a decade-old site focused on technology, entertainment and business news, will receive $17 million in a funding round led by Time Warner Investments, the investment arm of Time Warner Inc. Business Insider, which was founded in 2007, will receive $25 million from a group of investors led by a unit of German media conglomerate Axel Springer SE that also includes Amazon founder Jeff Bezos .

“We firmly believe that journalism has a bright future in the digital space and that the business model will grow,” said Andreas Wiele, Axel Springer’s president of marketing and classified ad models, who will join Business Insider’s board.

In the past six months, venture capitalists have pumped money into online media, including a $50 million investment in BuzzFeed, $500 million investment in Vice Media Inc. and $46.8 million investment in Vox Media. The investments valued BuzzFeed at $850 million, Vice at $2.5 billion and Vox at $380 million. Officials at Mashable, Business Insider, Axel Springer and Time Warner Investments declined to discuss valuations for the new investments.

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Premiera, peste

Doua premiere pentru ziua de duminica:

1. Cu 704,127 unici, siteul a fost, pentru prima oara, cel mai vizitat site din .ro
2. Fiind primul –> a depasit toate celelalte siteuri, inclusiv, situat pe pozitia a doua cu 675,850 unici

‘We Were Arrogant’

SPIEGEL: In May, your internal innovation report was leaked along with its harsh conclusion that the New York Times’ „journalistic advantage” is shrinking. Did you underestimate your new digital competitors?

Baquet: Yes, I think we did. We assumed wrongly that these new competitors, whether it was BuzzFeed or others, were doing so well just because they were doing something journalistically that we chose not to do. We were arrogant, to be honest. We looked down on those new competitors, and I think we’ve come to realize that was wrong. They understood before we did how to make their stories available to people who are interested in them. We were too slow to do it.

Interviu cu Dean Baquet, New York Times Editor in Spiegel.

Conversion @ 8.5 milioane euro

Bugetele de publicitate online gestionate de catre Conversion in 2014 au depasit 8,5 milioane de euro, iar printre clientii companiei se numara eMAG, OLX, Oriflame, Flanco, Volksbank si Banca Transilvania.

Cu 8.5 mil euro/an se califica de departe ca agentia cu cele mai mari bugete pe online. Cati din ei sunt de la eMag? Cat se duce la Google/Facebook? :)
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