Archive for the ‘Media’ Category
„We are afraid of Google”
luni, aprilie 21st, 2014Mathias Döpfner, CEO Axel Springer:
Mathias Döpfner published an open letter to Google’s executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in which he points out that Google is not only the largest search engine in the world, but the largest video platform, the largest browser, and the most used e-mail service and mobile operating system. The open letter was published as a response to a guest column written by Schmidt in the same newspaper.
Döpfner goes on to talk about the „schizophrenic” relationship between Axel Springer and Google. On one hand the publisher is part of a European antitrust lawsuit against the search giant, while it also relies on Google’s traffic and ad revenue. „We know of no alternative that even begins to offer similar technological requirements for automated advertising sales, and we cannot do without this source of income,” he says.
He refers to a case where a change to Google’s algorithm led to a drop in traffic to an Axel Springer subsidiary of 70 percent: „This is a real case. And that subsidiary is a competitor of Google… I am sure it is a coincidence.”
„We are afraid of Google,” he added.
Rezultate Google pe Q1/2014
joi, aprilie 17th, 2014
Google ad revenue for own sites has grown more than 20% y/y while network site growth was less than 5%. 3rd Q in a row this happened.
— Horace Dediu (@asymco) April 17, 2014
Venituri totale: 15.4 miliarde USD, 19% crestere vs Q1 2013
Profit: 3.65 miliarde USD, doar 3% crestere fata de cele 3.53 miliarde USD din Q1 2013 –> Achizitia Nest Labs a influentat cresterea profitului
Numarul de clickuri a crescut cu 26%
Costul per click a scazut cu 9%
Siteurile Google au generat 10.47 miliarde USD, adica 68% din total venituri
Siteurile partenere au generat 3.40 miliarde USD, adica 22% din total venituri. Ceea ce inseamna venituri mai mici pentru siteurile partenere pentru ca: a) cresterea e mica b) numarul siteurilor partenere a crescut
57% din venituri sunt generate in afara SUA
58.72 miliarde USD in conturi
Graficul anului
vineri, aprilie 11th, 2014Conform IAB, Internetul a depasit anul trecut TV-ul clasic in ceea ce priveste volumul total de publicitate. Desi cumulat TV-ul e inca rege (cable + broadcasting) vorbim de inca un milestone important bifat de online. Totusi nu va bucurati prea tare, din doua motive:
1. se intampla in SUA
2. cam 45% din bani se duc la Google.
Intreg raportul IAB il gasiti aici.
Diferenta dintre o companie de media si una de tehnologie
luni, aprilie 7th, 2014Later update: HBO Romania a pus pe YouTube primul episod din Games of Thrones, sezonul 4, il gasiti aici, thx Cristi pt info.
Spuneam zilele trecute, la conferinta Brat, ca Mediafax Group trebuie sa se transforme dintr-o companie de media intr-o companie de tehnologie care are niste branduri puternice in media.
Care e diferenta dintre cele doua?
Acum cateva ore a avut loc in SUA premiera sezonului 4 de la Games of Thrones (diseara la 22:00 pe HBO premiera in .ro) si, ca de obicei, HBO face disponibil episodul si pe HBOGO. Rezultatul?
We're sorry for all of the trouble, but if you're an @HBO subscriber, the @GameOfThrones premiere replays at 11 PM EST.
— HBO GO (@HBOGO) April 7, 2014
Now, remember saltul lui Felix Baumgartner de acum un an jumatate transmis live pe YouTube? Peste 8 milioane de useri au urmarit simultan transmisia, Google/YouTube fiind una din putinele companii din lume care ar putea suporta atat de multi oameni simultan pe o transmisie.
Sursa foto
Cam asta e diferenta.
Disney si-a cumparat o televiziune online cu $950 milioane
marți, martie 25th, 2014Azi noapte Disney a anuntat achizitia Maker Studios, o firma care:
– detine 55,000 de canale
– are 380 milioane abonati la aceste canale
– care genereaza 5.5 miliarde vizualizari pe luna
Totul se intampla pe YouTube. Impresionant.
Interesant, Voyo a ajuns la 120,000 abonati
marți, martie 18th, 2014despre planurile privind Voyo: VOYO este o parte importanta a portofoliului nostru de produse cu aproape 120 000 de abonati si multe planuri de dezvoltare. VOYO are o dinamica aparte datorita publicului sau tanar care consuma televiziune adaptat stilului sau de viata, dar si datorita structurii sale flexibile care permite imbogatirea permanenta a ofertei video atat locala, de fiction si entertainment romanesc, cat si internationala, cu titluri recente, revolutionare. Dezvoltarea VOYO este unul din obiectivele noastre de business.
120,000 x 3 euro x 12 = 4,320,000 milioane euro venituri/an.
Ceva fin de la Samsung
marți, martie 4th, 2014Sau un articol despre strategia Samsung pentru Oscaruri si cum a fost pregatit selfiul care tocmai a depasit 3 milioane de retweeturi:
Ms. DeGeneres toyed with a white Samsung phone during the broadcast, including when she handed a Galaxy Note 3 to actor Bradley Cooper so he could take a „selfie” photo of himself and other stars including Brad Pitt, Meryl Streep, Kevin Spacey and Jennifer Lawrence surrounding the host.
While the stunt felt spontaneous, it wasn’t entirely unplanned. As part of its sponsorship and ad pact for the Oscars with ABC, the TV network airing the show, Samsung and its media buying firm Starcom MediaVest negotiated to have its Galaxy smartphone integrated into the show, according to two people familiar with the matter.
It’s analytics, stupid!
marți, februarie 18th, 2014„I think right now Netflix does have a competitive advantage over HBO because of the analytics,” Adgate said.
Networks like HBO still rely, on large part, on Nielsen data. But the information Netflix gets is much more textured, granular… and valuable.
„And I think that’s where television and streaming video is headed – but I think right now streaming video is in the lead,” Adgate said. That said, he added, it’s just a matter of time before HBO and other premium channels catch up.
De aici: What happens at Netflix when House of Cards goes live
Si apropo de House of Cards, pe va fi disponibil sezonul 2 din House of Cards din 20 februarie. Toate cele 13 episoade + Sezonul 1.
Cine va castiga :)
marți, februarie 11th, 2014„The question is whether traditional content companies will win the game because they have learned how to use technology or whether the technology companies win because they learn how to create content,” Mr. Döpfner said. „That is the great game today.”
Mathias Döpfner, CEO Axel Springer, de aici