Archive for the ‘Media’ Category
„Google doesn’t have partners”
duminică, februarie 9th, 2014Matt Cutts, Google’s long term public face, was fairly clear saying „Google doesn’t have partners,” recently at an event we both spoke at.
It’s a blank stare Google executives give you when you express a concern, as if you’re talking to someone who doesn’t speak one word of your language.
Anyone who has Google as a partner knows this stare.
Google only sees you as a partner when they need you to run their ads or they need your content to draw in advertisers. When you need help, Google says “we don’t have partners!”
That’s why folks are so frustrated with Google, and I see that tipping over into hate more and more often. The people I meet who run Machinima, Maker and other major YouTube partners exhibit outright hate for YouTube.
That’s bad news for Google.
In fact, it’s fairly clear to this executive, who has been working with Google since Day One, that Google thinks of content creators–artists–as this necessary evil to put their ads next to.
They don’t really respect us since they won everything. If they did, they would listen to our needs and think about making their platform sustainable.
They don’t listen any more really (that is, unless you need help implementing their advertising technology).
Have a question on how to optimize your ads? They’re all ears!
Have a question about the revenue split, making your business sustainable or why you were replaced in search results by their service (see Yelp v. Zagat)? Google Death Glare!
De aici.
Trei intrebari despre Paper
marți, februarie 4th, 2014Facebook a lansat ieri, in SUA, Paper, o aplicatie similara cu Flipboard, e plin netul de info pe subiect asa ca trec la intrebari:
1. Paper este o aplicatie care va concura pentru timpul userilor cu aplicatia nativa Facebook?
2. Paper e ceva „elitist” pentru „crème de la crème” dintre userii Facebook astfel incat sa poata vinde advertisingul mai scump si variat?
3. Paper e viitorul Facebook sau viitorul Facebook-ului?
Google + Facebook = 37% din total piata publicitate online
duminică, februarie 2nd, 2014Facebook still has a long way to go to catch up to Google, though. According to eMarketer, Facebook accounted for about 6% of the $117.6 billion global ad market in 2013, compared with Google’s 31.5%. Facebook is growing faster in mobile advertising, with an 18% share, up from 5% in 2012.
Advertisers use Facebook and Google for different reasons. Google is effective when people search for things they already want to buy and then see ads for relevant products. Facebook is better for educating consumers about products they might want to buy in the future.
La Google sunt luate doar veniturile din siteurile proprii, daca s-ar adauga si veniturile generate pe siteurile partenerilor (bani care trec prin Google), cota lor de piata ar bate spre 50%.
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Rezultatele Google pe Q4
vineri, ianuarie 31st, 2014Sunt mai slabe decat asteptarile Wall-Street:
– Venituri de 16.86 miliarde USD, 17% crestere fata de perioada similara a anului trecut
– Profit de 3.39 miliarde USD vs 2.89 miliarde in Q4 2012
– Veniturile generate de siteurile Google au crescut cu 22%, la 10.55 miliarde USD si reprezinta 67% din total venituri
– Veniturile partenerilor, siteurile din AdSense, au crescut doar cu 3%, de la 3.44 miliarde USD la 3.52 miliarde USD
– 56% din total venituri provin din International, procentul ramane neschimbat
– Numarul de clickuri a crescut cu 31% fata de Q4 2012
– Continua sa scada costul per click, cu 11% fata de Q4 2012 si cu 2% fata de Q3 2013
– Motorola e piua si in scadere
– Cash si cash echivalent = 58.72 miliarde USD, +2 miliarde in plus fata de Q3
Veniturile Facebook = 25% din veniturile Google
joi, ianuarie 30th, 2014Later update: Avem rezultatele Google pe Q4 asa ca am actualizat postul.
Facebook si-a anuntat rezultatele pe Q4 2013, venituri de 2.59 miliarde USD, in crestere cu 63% fata de Q4 2012, profit 523 milioane USD, mai mare de 8 ori fata de profitul generat in aceeasi perioada a lui 2012 (64 milioane USD).
Partea interesanta apare daca ne uitam la rezultatele Facebook vs rezultatele Google (, cele pt Q3) –> veniturile Facebook reprezinta aproape 25% din veniturile Google (ultimele disponibile9.39 10.55 miliarde USD, am dat la o parte veniturile Motorola si cele generate de Google prin parteneri, am luat in considerare doar veniturile generate de Google pe siteurile proprii). Nu stiu cum o vedeti voi dar mie mi se pare huge ca Facebook a ajuns la peste un sfert din veniturile Google (o sa adaptez postul dupa ce Google anunta rezultatele pe Q4, ca sa comparam mere cu mere).
Problema la facebook este daca pot mentine ritmul in conditiile in care tot mai multi se plang de „lacomia/agresivitatea” de care dau dovada in ultima vreme (citeste „schimbarile pe care le-au facut in decembrie si care limiteaza drastic reach-ul atins de un post –> trebuie sa platesti pentru a-ti atinge fanii”).
From Italy, with love
joi, decembrie 26th, 2013Italy’s Parliament today passed a new measure on web advertising, the so-called “Google tax,” which will require Italian companies to purchase their Internet ads from locally registered companies, instead of from units based in havens such as Ireland, Luxembourg and Bermuda.
In July, at the request of the Group of 20 nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development proposed a blueprint to fight strategies used by companies such as Google Inc. (GOOG), Apple Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO) to shift taxable profits into havens. Italy is the first major European government to pass legislation to combat the problem of moving corporate taxable earnings into havens, which costs Europe and the U.S. over $100 billion a year, since the OECD proposal.
Italy’s measure is “fairly obviously contrary to EU law,” said Sol Picciotto, an emeritus professor of law at Lancaster University in the U.K. Still, he said the law “will put further pressure on the OECD to sort it out.” The OECD isn’t scheduled to complete its plan until the end of 2015.
Italy Approves ‘Google Tax’ on Internet Companies
Via Bogdan
+500 miliarde USD
luni, decembrie 23rd, 2013The internet is now the world’s second-largest ad medium. It rocketed past newspapers in 2013 into the No. 2 spot, behind TV. As recently as 2005, the internet ranked sixth in global ad media, behind TV, newspapers, magazines, radio and outdoor. The internet in 2013 captured 20.6% of 2013 global ad spending (21.7% in the U.S.). In 2016, ZenithOptimedia expects the internet to account for 26.6% of global spending (30.7% in the U.S.).
Un sfat bun
duminică, decembrie 22nd, 2013Any advice for young journalists entering the industry?
I would tell them quality over quantity, which is one of the biggest sins on the web, particularly today. I would tell them that it is enormously important to earn the readers’ trust by being ethical, another problem that some websites are guilty of. I would tell them to keep in mind who your reader is. Never talk down to that reader.
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Not from television
duminică, decembrie 22nd, 2013@asymco: over the past 15 years, all of the gains for online advertising have come at the expense of print and radio and not from television
Intrebarea finalului de an
vineri, decembrie 13th, 2013Cand va intra Amazon in .ro? Pareri? :)