Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

Ultima coperta Prosport

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Trei despre Prosport

1. Nu va mai aparea zilnic in print;

2. Din 9 decembrie va aparea ca supliment saptamanal, in fiecare luni, al Ziarului Financiar;

3. Intreaga redactie, in cadrul careia nu vor fi schimbari, va lucra pentru

Mai vorbim pe subiect peste 6 luni.

De weekend, Tocmai vs Mercador

Cinci despre ZF 15 ani

Sambata Ziarul Financiar a implinit 15 ani, editia de astazi, una aniversara, are 52 de pagini si pot spune, ca un martor tacut la efortul colegilor, ca este una de exceptie:

1. Mesajul. Cel mai puternic mesaj lansat de Ziarul Financiar in cei 15 ani. Cititi-l. Analizati-l. Raspanditi-l.

2. Analiza celor 15 ani, an cu an. Momentul in care realizezi ca siteul nu poate cuprinde la fel de bine ca hartia ci e doar un suport complementar. Cine va rasfoi editia de astazi imi va da dreptate.

3. Urarile si mesajele. „Adrian Mihai, Fan Courier: Nu cred ca exist? om de afaceri care s? nu fi citit Ziarul Financiar„. Le gasiti pe toate, in format video sau text, aici

4. Opiniile celor care conduc astazi Ziarul Financiar, Fini, Sorin, Razvan.

5. Viitorul, urmatorii 15 ani.

La multi ani, Ziarul Financiar!

1 eurocent/stire

Am lansat astazi ZF Print, sectiunea din ZFCorporate care contine toate stirile din editia tiparita a Ziarului Financiar. Sectiunea se adreseaza in special persoanelor fizice si ofera, pentru mai putin de 1 euro cent/stire (TVA inclus ;)), +1200 stiri/luna in format digital + print (momentan oferta este valabila doar pentru abonatii Orange – plata se face prin sms). Mai multe detalii in comunicatul de presa.

„Is building massive scale the only strategy?”


“I think I can begin to discern the vague outlines of how digital publishing might eventually be able to deliver the kind of scale and impact that brand advertisers demand from TV and glossy magazines. I don’t know who the winner is going to be. But I do think that Blodget is right about one thing: whoever the winner is, they will have to have some very deep pockets. Winning this game won’t come cheap.”


So massive scale is necessary because advertisers — especially those accustomed to TV — apparently require it (which is why Twitter has made the changes it has as well). In effect, we are rebuilding the mass media of the old days because advertisers can’t think of any other way to make money other than by accumulating billions of pageviews, and publishers are being dragged along for the ride. In order to play ball, and generate the kind of revenue their backers require, they apparently need to achieve global scale or die trying.


Is this really the future we want for online media? Doesn’t it just mean that we wind up with one or two giant conglomerates whose only business model is based on pageview-driven clickbait content? That’s the model that Business Insider appears to be pursuing — one that involves producing more and more pageviews that bring in less and less revenue. Is this the only possible future? I honestly don’t know.



Una de la New York Times

Bloomberg took a look at the advertising problem the Times is facing in a recent piece, noting that the paper’s third-quarter revenue for both print and digital was likely about $140 million, or the lowest it has been since 1998. The drop in the latest quarter marks the 12th straight consecutive decline in ad revenue for the paper — and the Times blamed the decline on “an increasingly complex and fragmented digital advertising marketplace,” which is exactly the same thing it blamed its poor digital ad results on last year.

De aici

5 ani = minus 15 miliarde USD

In 5 ani, 2008-2012, ziarele si revistele din SUA au pierdut venituri de 15 miliarde USD:

„So far, there isn’t a single model for our kind of magazine that appears to work.”

And your total budget for the year is $12,000, a thousand bucks a month. (We could play this same game with $36,000, too. The lessons will remain the same.) What do you do?

Here are some options:

1. Write a lot of original pieces yourself. (Pro: Awesome. Con: Hard, slow.)
2. Take partner content. (Pro: Content! Con: It’s someone else’s content.)
3. Find people who are willing to write for a small amount of money. (Pro: Maybe good. Con: Often bad.)
4. Find people who are willing to write for no money. (Pro: Free. Con: Crapshoot.)
5. Aggregate like a mug. (Pro: Can put smartest stuff on blog. Con: No one will link to it.)
6. Rewrite press releases so they look like original content. (Pro: Content. Con: You suck.)

Don’t laugh. These are actual content strategies out there in the wilds of the Internet. I am sure you have encountered them.

De aici, de citit tot articolul.