Archive for the ‘Mobile’ Category

„There can be only one”


The Taiwanese firm, whose phones include the Butterfly, said net profit in the fourth quarter of 2012 had missed forecasts and plunged 91% year on year.

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Samsung Electronics, cel mai mare produc?tor de telefoane mobile ?i televizoare din lume, a raportat un profit record de 8.800 miliarde woni (8,3 miliarde dolari) pentru trimestrul IV al anului trecut, peste estim?rile anali?tilor, datorit? vânz?rilor ridicate de smartphone-uri.

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3. Hello Moto! De nicaieri

Oh, boy!

Trei despre Black Friday

la ei:

1. Vanzarile online la americani au depasit $1 miliard pentru prima oara. Sursa

2. Apple e mult peste Google/Android daca ne uitam la datele statistice, peste 88% din tabletele care „au cumparat” au fost iPad-uri, iar in cifrele totale iPhone si iPad au de 3 ori mai mult decat Android, 8.7% + 9.8% vs 5.5%



Only 0.68% of Black Friday online sales came from Facebook referrals–two-thirds of one percent. That was a decline of 1% from last year.
And how about Twitter? A couple of years ago, people were excited about Twitter’s potential as a commerce platform, too.
But Twitter’s impact on ecommerce, it seems, is zero. Not „basically zero.”
Commerce site traffic from Twitter accounted for exactly 0.00% of Black Friday traffic. That was down from 0.02% last year.


Google vs Samsung

All this plus an overall growth in volumes from 64 million to over 100 million per quarter has meant that the company is raking in enormous profits. Not only did it overtake Nokia, the market share leader for 14 years, but is making more profits than Nokia ever did.

So much profit in fact that it has overtaken Google’s decisively.

The reason I point this out is that Samsung’s success is dependent on having ridden on the back of Android. Samsung’s ascent can be precisely timed to their adoption of Android. The groundbreaking Samsung Galaxy launch was the Galaxy S which shipped in June 2010.


+1 si -1


Stefan Iordache mai face o „achizitie” pe zona digitala, Dan Virtopeanu, unul dintre cei mai experimentati oameni din piata pe zona de mobile. Impreuna au lansat Breeze Mobile, o agentie care se va ocupa de zona mobile plecand de la realizarea de mobi siteuri pana la aplicatii de loializare prin mobil. Putini isi mai aduc aminte ca Dan, pana se se mute la Voxline, a condus GoldenClick, una din primele „regii” online, back in 1999-2001. Pe langa experienta si profesionalism, Dan are si un caracter frumos, ma bucur mult pentru el, il felicit pe Stefan pentru parteneriat si le urez succes.


Mediacom se desparte de Hmedia, fosta httpool. S-au parteneriat acum 2 ani pentru a opera impreuna contul P&G, din 8 noiembrie noua echipa de digital de la Mediacom isi va vedea singura de treaba. Asa cum era normal. Ceea ce inseamna ca Group M (Mediacom, Mindshare, Mec) va functiona la capacitate maxima si pe partea de online.

300 miliarde = 21 miliarde

In the last year, people have sent over 300 billion iMessages on Apple’s messaging platform. Tim Cook just announced the stat on stage at what we expect will be the iPad Mini unveiling.

For reference, that’s 28,000 messages per second.


Dupa matematica mea, la 0.07 centi sau euro centi per sms, inseamna 21 miliarde USD sau Euro, la preturile din .ro. Chiar si la un cost mai mic per sms tot inseamna cateva miliarde bune, bani care nu au mai intrat in buzunarele operatorilor telecom.

3.2 miliarde

In its new report, published on October 18th, the GSMA takes a crack at it. Its research, spanning three years and 39 countries, suggests that 3.2 billion people, or 46% of the world’s total population of 7 billion, have at least one active mobile (cellular) device. That translates to an average of 1.85 SIM cards per user.

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These four make the dominant platforms that will rule tomorrow’s digital world: Apple has iOS, Amazon has ecommerce and AWS, Google has Android and the Web, and Facebook possesses your identity and social graph.

asa vede Eric Schmidt, Google, viitorul, cu acesti 4 playeri care vor domina piata. Lipseste Microsoft, ceea ce e oarecum normal tinand cont de history-ul lui Eric cu firma din Redmond.

Totusi nu e chiar asa cum le vede Eric, Microsoft inca joaca la acelasi nivel, din mai multe motive, cash-ul pe care sta, business-ul e inca la un nivel inalt, Windows 8 va fi disponibil la $40 in format digital (extrem de agresiva politica de preturi + Microsoft inca domina piata la OS de pc), iar Android-ul si Google vor mai avea probleme pe viitor. De citit insa toata analiza Why the fall of 2012 will determine Microsoft’s fate

Starea natiunii

un subiect de discutat la ZF Digital, saptamana viitoare. Sursa

Duios iOS-ul trecea

Conform IDC, peste 4 ani, iPad-ul va avea cam aceeasi cota de piata de astazi, evident, dintr-o felie mai mare (mai multe tablete vandute). As paria ca Windows-ul va musca mai mult din cota Android, bine, e mai mult la dorinta personala, nu stiu daca as paria :). Sursa