
Front-end developeri


Minimum 1 an experien?? în implementare de site-uri pe o platform? bazat? pe limbajul PHP
Cuno?tin?e minime de programare PHP
Bune cuno?tin?e de HTML/CSS, jQuery
Avantaje: cunoa?terea sistemului de templates Smarty, cunoasterea formatului XML, cuno?tin?e minimale MySQL

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E totul setat, se va intampla la final de 2017, inceput de 2018:

TV will account for 38.4 percent of the $503 billion global ad market this year and will drop to 38 percent of the market in 2016, according to the forecast.

In the meantime, digital media will continue its meteoric rise. Digital ad spending will grow 17.2 percent this year, to nearly $160 billion, and 13.5 percent in 2016, and is expected to overtake TV as the biggest advertising category by the end of 2017, the forecast says.

Publicis Groupe’s ZenithOptimedia expects digital media to pass TV in 2018.

De aici.

Europe, where are you?

“The combined value of the top three internet companies:
In America it’s around $0.75tn
In Asia, it’s around $0.5tn
In Africa, it’s $50bn
In Europe, it’s just $25bn.”

De aici.

Un investitor CME cere vanzarea companiei

An activist shareholder is one using an equity stake in a corporation to put public pressure on its management.[1] The goals of activist shareholders range from financial (increase of shareholder value through changes in corporate policy, financing structure, cost cutting, etc.) to non-financial (disinvestment from particular countries, adoption of environmentally friendly policies, etc.).[2] The attraction of shareholder activism lies in its comparative cheapness; a fairly small stake (less than 10% of outstanding shares) may be enough to launch a successful campaign. In comparison, a full takeover bid is a much more costly and difficult undertaking. Sursa

A aparut primul activist investor pentru CME, compania care detine in Romania statiile Protv: Eric Semler, managerul TCS Capital Management, cel mai mare actionar minoritar de la CME, cu o participatie de 10.9%.

Semler, desi multumit de felul in care CME e condusa, este nemultumit de pretul actiunilor si a cerut public angajarea unui consultant financiar pentru vanzarea companiei. El crede ca singura solutie pentru cresterea „stockului” este vanzarea companiei care ar fi suficient de atractiva tinand cont de pozitia in Europa Centrala si de Est + faptul ca detine pozitia de lider in Cehia si Romania.

CME este detinuta in proportie de 45.2% (dar cu 49.4% din voturi) de catre Time Warner dar are printre actionari si 65 de hedge funds.

In acest moment capitalizarea pe bursa a CME este sub 300 milioane USD, o evaluare mica daca tinem cont ca doar televiziunile Pro valoreaza probabil +/- 300 milioane USD, insa compania are datorii 1 miliard USD pentru care plateste anual 150 milioane USD dobanda.


Asa se lupta cu pirateria

1. Piata:

Brazil has long been a haven for movie piracy.
A government study found that 41% of Brazilian internet users have downloaded content illegally from the internet.
Piracy is also prevalent on the streets – with DVDs being openly sold in most commercial places and roads, and even outside movie theatres.

2. Motivele:

The region was chosen for three primary reasons – broadband penetration was considered big enough as a market, incomes at the time were rising rapidly, and there was an appetite for Hollywood content.
Netflix’s chief communications officer Jonathan Friedland says there was another important reason that facilitated their entry.
„In Europe you have to buy individual content licences for every movie or TV show in each country, such as France, Germany or Spain,” he says.
„In Latin America, you only need to two licenses – one for all Spanish-speaking countries and another one for Brazil.”

3. Strategia de pret:

„If you offer good content at low prices and rapidly – releasing series in the same moment in Brazil as people are getting them in the US – that makes piracy less enticing,” says Mr Friedland.
One of the key elements in its strategy is pricing. Netflix subscriptions in Brazil vary from 19.90 to 29.90 reais ($5 to $7.50; £3 to £4.60) a month. One movie ticket alone in Sao Paulo costs 30 reais ($7.50).
For that same amount of money you can buy about 10 illegal DVDs in the streets, but the quality is not always reliable.
And while many Brazilians illegally download films and TV shows, others are either not technologically savvy enough to do so, or are too concerned about computer viruses and malware.
For commentator Sergio Branco, director at the academic think tank Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro, Netflix’s low prices is a key factor behind its success, making it more attractive to users than online piracy.

4. Rezultatul:

Mr Friedland adds that when Netflix enters a country, the rates of internet file sharing drop.
„Most people don’t want to steal,” he says. „They don’t want viruses in their computers, they don’t want the hassle of it.”

Totul de aici.

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Doua cifre de la noi


Retailerul online eMAG, de?inut de Dante International, estimeaz? vânz?ri de 205 milioane de lei de Black Friday, în 20 noiembrie, în cre?tere cu 24% fa?? de anul 2014, afirm? Iulian Stanciu, unul dintre ac?ionarii Dante International.

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PayU Romania se a?teapt? s? proceseze tranzac?ii de 450 milioane de lei în ziua de vineri, 20 noiembrie, declarat? de majoritatea partenerilor companiei Black Friday, a anun?at integratorul de tranzac?ii online.

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Cum sa faci un miliard de dolari in cateva luni

Tiger Global, unul din fondurile Tiger (remember si remember) a cumparat actiuni Amazon care i-au adus un profit de un miliard USD in cateva luni:

The share price low for the quarter was $437.39, meaning the new shares must have cost at least $1.1 billion.

On September 30, the last day of the third quarter, Amazon’s shares were trading at $511.89, valuing Tiger Global’s stake at $1.63 billion.

So far, Tiger Global’s bet has paid off.

The stock closed at $647.81 per share on Monday, valuing the position at $2.1 billion.


To clickbait or not to clickbait

This is the question.

Studiu de caz pe Voetbal International, un site olandez despre fotbal:

– in martie au decis sa reduca cu o treime cele 140 milioane pagini generate lunar

– motivul: „to ensure it runs fewer, better-quality ads”

– rezultatul?

By upping the overall quality of inventory on which advertisers can bid in real-time auction environments, it no longer gets “lousy” ads coming through on its sites, and advertisers are willing to pay higher rates for better, albeit fewer, impressions

Asta se cheama sa ai o strategie.
