Premiera, peste
26 ianuarie '15Doua premiere pentru ziua de duminica:
1. Cu 704,127 unici, siteul a fost, pentru prima oara, cel mai vizitat site din .ro
2. Fiind primul –> a depasit toate celelalte siteuri, inclusiv, situat pe pozitia a doua cu 675,850 unici
‘We Were Arrogant’
26 ianuarie '15SPIEGEL: In May, your internal innovation report was leaked along with its harsh conclusion that the New York Times’ „journalistic advantage” is shrinking. Did you underestimate your new digital competitors?
Baquet: Yes, I think we did. We assumed wrongly that these new competitors, whether it was BuzzFeed or others, were doing so well just because they were doing something journalistically that we chose not to do. We were arrogant, to be honest. We looked down on those new competitors, and I think we’ve come to realize that was wrong. They understood before we did how to make their stories available to people who are interested in them. We were too slow to do it.
Interviu cu Dean Baquet, New York Times Editor in Spiegel.
Cand Apple il bate pe Chuck Norris
23 ianuarie '15Deocamdata doar in SUA:
Put another way, in 2014 iOS app developers earned more than Hollywood did from box office in the US.
De aici.
Google devine MVNO
22 ianuarie '15Stirea noptii, Google va deveni un MVNO si va vinde servicii de internet wireless pentru Sprint (numarul 3 in SUA) si T-Mobile (numarul 4)
A mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), or mobile other licensed operator (MOLO) is a wireless communications services provider that does not own the wireless network infrastructure over which the MVNO provides services to its customers. An MVNO enters into a business agreement with a mobile network operator to obtain bulk access to network services at wholesale rates, then sets retail prices independently. An MVNO may use its own customer service, billing support systems, marketing and sales personnel or it may employ the services of a mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE).[1]
De aici.
In general dealurile MVNO sunt businessurile cu margine mare pentru operator care vand excesul de banda si atrag clienti fara sa aiba costuri de marketing ce revin in intregime operatorului de retea virtuala. Cum Google are „exces de marketing”, miscarea pare logica, mai ales dupa investitiile in sateliti, baloane, drone sau fibra, destul de costisitoare.
Pare logica = a abandonat Google planurile/gandurile de a deveni un full ISP pe piata americana? Capex prea mare? Concurenta puternica? Low disruptive level solutions? Toate la un loc?
Later edit: Dupa experienta Motorola/Nexus e de vazut cum va gestiona Google relatia cu end userul caruia trebuie sa-i vanda acest serviciu. Oricat de automatizat va fi procesul partea de cs e f importanta.
Conversion @ 8.5 milioane euro
21 ianuarie '15Bugetele de publicitate online gestionate de catre Conversion in 2014 au depasit 8,5 milioane de euro, iar printre clientii companiei se numara eMAG, OLX, Oriflame, Flanco, Volksbank si Banca Transilvania.
Cu 8.5 mil euro/an se califica de departe ca agentia cu cele mai mari bugete pe online. Cati din ei sunt de la eMag? Cat se duce la Google/Facebook? :)
De aici.
Una despre francul elvetian
19 ianuarie '15Many economists believe that balance sheet losses are irrelevant for a central bank, so they should play no role in policy. But the SNB is 45 per cent owned by private shareholders, many of whom are individuals, who receive dividends from the SNB. The rest is owned by the cantons, which have been complaining recently about insufficient cash transfers from the SNB.
Frumos, nu? De aici.
Tweetul diminetii
19 ianuarie '15
When there are 3bn people online, 'nobody will want that' can sometimes mean a hundred million people or so
— Benedict Evans (@BenedictEvans) January 15, 2015
Not bad
18 ianuarie '15
From "only nerds will use the Internet" to "everyone stares at their smartphones all day long!" in 20 years. Not bad, team :-).
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) January 16, 2015
Vanzari Audi/BMW/Mercedes
17 ianuarie '15Pentru 2014:
Including Mini and Rolls-Royce vehicles, BMW delivered a record 2.12 million cars last year, a gain of 7.9 percent. Growth was paced by a 9.5 percent gain at the namesake brand to 1.81 million cars. With Audi growing 11 percent and posting a new sales record of 1.74 million autos, BMW’s lead over Audi narrowed to 70,619 from 79,658 a year ago. Third-place Mercedes delivered 1.65 million vehicles, a gain of 13 percent, giving it the fastest growth rate among the top three in the luxury segment.
De aici.