30 septembrie '14On that date, Netflix will premiere a feature film – the sequel to the 2000 hit „Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” – at the same time moviegoers can see it in theaters.
The dual release will be the realization of Netflix’s long-held goal to let subscribers see films at the same time they’re in movie theaters.
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Intelegi ce vreau sa spun?
29 septembrie '14But Facebook’s combination of real identity and voluntarily disclosed personal information makes it a particularly valuable tool for marketers.
The Facebook login is most useful on mobile devices, where traditional web tracking tools like cookies and pixel tags do not work. If a person is logged into the Facebook app on a smartphone, the company has the ability to see what other apps he or she is using and could show ads within those apps.
“Nobody else besides Facebook has the depth of data about individuals,” said Debra Aho Williamson, a principal analyst at the research firm eMarketer. “That’s where the power of this ad platform is going to come from.”
+ facebook are toate datele de trafic/useri ale siteurilor ce ruleaza codul lor pt like/share/fani si, spre deosebire de Google care si el le are prin Analytics, are de gand sa le si foloseasca. Nu mi-e clar cand se va intampla asta, cand siteul va deveni partener in reteaua lor, sau inainte :)
Next 20 years
24 septembrie '14If we were sent back with a time machine, even 20 years, and reported to people what we have right now and describe what we were going to get in this device in our pocket—we’d have this free encyclopedia, and we’d have street maps to most of the cities of the world, and we’d have box scores in real time and stock quotes and weather reports, PDFs for every manual in the world—we’d make this very, very, very long list of things that we would say we would have and we get on this device in our pocket, and then we would tell them that most of this content was free. You would simply be declared insane. They would say there is no economic model to make this. What is the economics of this? It doesn’t make any sense, and it seems far-fetched and nearly impossible. But the next twenty years are going to make this last twenty years just pale. We’re just at the beginning of the beginning of all these kind of changes. There’s a sense that all the big things have happened, but relatively speaking, nothing big has happened yet. In 20 years from now we’ll look back and say, „Well, nothing really happened in the last 20 years.”
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Tweetul diminetii
17 septembrie '14
“Think of it this way: The iPhone 6 Plus is only slightly smaller than an iPad Mini” – Topolsky
vs Math:
— Ryan Jones (@rjonesy) September 17, 2014
ZF @ 150,000 exemplare
15 septembrie '14Ziarul Financiar este tip?rit ast?zi în 150.000 de exemplare ?i distribuit în 200 de centre de business din Bucure?ti ?i marile ora?e din ?ar?. Este un mesaj pentru comunitatea de business de a strânge rândurile ?i de a se recunoa?te ca singura capabil? s? schimbe România.
Mai multe detalii aici.
Multumim Telekom Romania si Media Investment pentru sustirea acestui proiect!
Prieteni si „prieteni”
12 septembrie '14People generally leave companies when things are not going well, so you should assume that Cathy is fighting for her company’s life. When in this situation, nothing will cut her deeper than losing a great employee, because she knows that the other employees will see that as a leading indicator of the company’s demise. Even more damaging for Cathy, her employees will perceive that her friend is raiding her company. In this way, a logical issue quickly becomes an emotional one.
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Beta pentru ZF
5 septembrie '14Versiunea beta a ZF-ului o gasiti aici, va sta o vreme acolo pentru feedback si teste. Orice critica/sfat/recomandare e binevenita/binevenit. Dragos, Catalin, Adu, Iura, Dana, Iulian, Elena, echipa coordonata de Alex, Nicoleta, multumiri pt efort, eu zic ca e un mare pas inainte fata de versiunea actuala.
S-a retras si Mihai
2 septembrie '14Buna dimineata, Orlando,
Dupa aproape 10 ani de InternetCorp …
Asa incepe mailul primit vineri de la Mihai. S-a retras si el dupa ce zilele trecute s-a retras si Val, dupa ce acum doi ani se retrasese Calin parca prevestind retragerea elvetienilor de la Goldbach. Radu s-a retras si el la inceputul verii si de atunci bantuie prin lume, Doru s-a retras primul schimband bannerele pe cursuri despre bannere, vipere adevarate si teambuilding-uri finalizate sub cerul liber. Liviu s-a retras si el dupa vanzarea catre Ringier lasandu-l pe Calin sa se agite in timp ce se plimba cu bicicleta pe autostrada prin SUA.
Asa, la prima vedere, in linia intai am mai ramas eu cu Dragos care, chiar daca a depasit 40-ul, e mai tanar in acest business si pare plin de energie – probabil si-o extrage din Facebook-ul pe care-l vinde – relansandu-si blogul international.
… nu pot sa nu remarc ca ramai incet, incet unul din ultimii mohicani ai Internetului Romanesc :)
Ce vremuri, cand Arbo si Netbridge culegeau tot ce misca :)
Asta e de la Florin, si el un veteran al online-ului din .ro. Chiar, ce vremuri!
Un pic nostalgic azi dupa cota de piata de altadata :) insa suficient de alive and kicking incat sa trimit mailuri la 3 dimineata dupa doar 3 ore de somn si o vara fara vacanta. Si nu, nu am de gand sa ma retrag. Inca :)
Viata de manager
29 august '14Sau cum s-a schimbat jobul de manager in ultimii ani:
1. Organizatiile au devenit mai complexe:
The most debilitating form of clutter is organisational complexity. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has been tracking this for a representative sample of companies in the United States and Europe since 1955 (when the Fortune 500 list was created). BCG defines complexity broadly to include everything from tiers of management to the numbers of co-ordinating bodies and corporate objectives. It reckons that, overall, the complexity of organisations has increased sixfold since then. There has been an explosion of “performance imperatives”: in 1955 firms typically embraced between four and seven of them; today, as they strain themselves to be kind to the environment, respectful of diversity, decent to their suppliers and the like, it is 25-40.
2. Sedintele ocupa 15% din timpul unui manager:
A second form of clutter is meetings. Bain & Company, another consulting firm, studied a sample of big firms, finding that their managers spent 15% of their time in meetings, a share that has risen every year since 2008. Many of these meetings have no clear purpose. The higher up you go, the worse it is. Senior executives spend two full days a week in meetings with three or more colleagues. In 22% of these meetings the participants sent three or more e-mails for every half an hour they spent sitting in the room.
3. Cresterea numarului de mesaje/emailuri la care e expus managerul:
These e-mails constitute the third form of clutter. Bain estimates that the number of external communications that managers receive has increased from about 1,000 a year in 1970 to around 30,000 today. Every message imposes a “time tax” on the people at either end of it; and these taxes can spiral out of control unless they are managed.
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ThinkDigital preia Adevolution
24 august '14O alta miscare ce are ca scop consolidarea pietei, Dragos anunta preluarea AdEvolution pe blog, Val Voicu, fondatorul AdEvolution urmand sa ocupe o pozitie de business development advisor in cadrul ThinkDigital Romania. Nu e clar ce se intampla cu cele doua siteuri pe care le detine AdEvolution, DailyBusiness si Feminis, daca sunt si ele parte din tranzactie.